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Saturday, May 06, 2006

I think I am done

I have not gotten a final proof yet, it doesn't have as many illustrations as I would like, and the price is high, IMHO.
I can keep it at $13.50 for a while, but in a few days it's going to go up to $18.99.
(Because it's going to be at all international distributors, too. As soon as it becomes available at Amazon, etc. It's going to have to go up.)

Ordinary Time

Just remember the problems we had with the cover off the first 100 or so of the last book.... If you order before I get the proof, you may not get a perfect copy.

Enjoy and I'm going to go take a nap.


  1. And now I see the first mistake
    The Book's title is wrong on the cover.
    Let me go fix that.

  2. Applause, applause applause -- for all the hard work that has gone into the book. Special thanks to you reverend mommy -- can we all lift you up on our shoulders now and carry you around?

    Way to go!!

  3. Fantastic work, reverend mommy! Thank you!

    And thank you to everyone who poured so much into this collaborative project. What a feat!

    How exciting!!!

  4. Yes, Yes, Yes - little victory dance going on here (grin)

    I love what's written here

    This particular book of devotional readings span Ordinary Time, that season of the church year in which there are no high holy days to celebrate; the long stretch of green for those of us who are liturgical in our practice. They have been written by women and men of diverse denominational backgrounds; all with the aim of bringing scripture alive for both writer and reader. These writings reflect on the lectionary passages for Year B, and it is our prayer that in the green and ordinary time they will bring forth a bountiful harvest for all who read them.

    wow wow wow. Thanks to EVERYONE who did their bit. This truly was a communal effort. Stressful at times, but also fun!

    couple of Qs
    1. When will you get the proof? Cos delivery is slow to Europe so I'd actually like to order asap. Last time with the messed up covers they generously resent them anyway, so IMHO not such a risk...

    2. If there are profits from this book, have we decided on where they will go? (I was reminded of this when I clicked on lulu as that was included in the blurb about of a light blazes - which was good I think

    Blessings to all this Sunday :)

  5. You are a complete STAR rm,- and your editing team too. Very exciting that it's done and more or less dusted. Bravo, everyone!
    Like Lorna, I'd prefer to order sooner rather than later as I suspect that it may take as long as a month, and with higher costs there are definite advantages to going with the free postage option, if it still exisits.

  6. Kathryn I couldn't find the free postage this time. :( wondering if someone in the US could phone and check. That made such a big difference last time. To ship to Finland it's $5-6 per book. ouch!

  7. Love the cover art!

    LEt us know when you get the proof (last time I ended up with 2x as many books as I needed due to the cover mix-up)

  8. Totally AWESOME!

    Thanks a million billion. love.

  9. Well done! Congratulations.

  10. Oh...I know several who might want long until it is "safe" to order copies?

  11. Well done and thank you!

    I LOVE the cover.

  12. Beautiful! Will you be able to provide us with the html for the book cover like you did for the Advent book so we can put it on our sidebars to promote sales?
    I am very grateful for all your hard work.

  13. Way too cool!

    COngratulations and praise to all the writers/editors/organizers for excellent hard work!

  14. Great job, rm. Enjoy your nap!


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