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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday Festival: Starring YOU!

Dear Friends,

It's Easter Wednesday, and the nominations are a little thin. Can it be that you are...tired? Exhausted, even? from the week we have just passed through?

Well, then!

I invite you to come in, sit down with a cup of PG Tips tea or Café Justo (fair trade) coffee and a warm snickerdoodle, and REST.

I'll dish up the offerings so far, and then I invite you to share with us your thoughts on any or all of the following: the Holy Week and Easter past, what you are doing to be kind to yourself and recuperate, "Low Sunday" ahead, the coming of Spring in our world...

Gord's working on a thought-provoking series responding to the 5 fundamentals in fundamental Christianity. He's got 4 of them done; go get started reading now.

Presybterian Gal played the Presbymeme and wrote a little extra credit question on what Jesus would say if he were to address the General Assembly. I warn you NOT to sip your mocha latte while reading this!

And Sally has a bit of a rant, a few thoughts, and a poem for us.

What's up with YOU?
Post a direct link to your entry in your comment using the following formulation: <a href="the url of your blog post goes here">what you want the link to say goes here</a> For a complete how-to, click here.


  1. Lets see what this lay person can do to entertain you rev ladies.

    I wrote a reflection on Holy Saturday, a day we seem too likely to skip right over.

    A poem inspired by the moon on my way home from the Easter Vigil.

    A wrapup sort of reflection on the whole marathon.

    And finally a couple recent poems on Eucharist and spring!!!


  2. Yep, tired and exhausted is a good word for it.

    I also want to say safe journeys to our B. E. rgbps. Hope it is relaxing and restful and fun.

  3. I was busy writing mystery reviews for DorothyL so don't have much to blog right this minute. But on the topic of Low Sunday, my church has cleverly scheduled a meeting after worship to hear the consultant we got from Alban Institute report on his findings. I think that will increase attendance! And Onkel Hankie Pants and I are ushering for the first time at this church. We have to go early for training. It will be our first experience with the bags-on-sticks method of collecting the offering. I hope I don't poke anyone in the eye! Oh - traveling mercies to all the Cruisers. May you return refreshed and renewed!

  4. At my place you can read a somewhat hopeful update on the Children Raised By Wolves, and share your thoughts on non-sectarian life-event celebrants.

  5. I'm too tired to blog. :-)

    I am spending time this week doing some reflecting and planning future ministry. Since I un-resigned, I am still working on getting my head back into it--I spent four months getting it out so it is a bit challenging.

    Not sure what I'm going to preach on. After Easter--then what? Hmmm...maybe that should be the title of my sermon.

  6. Over at my place I am urging people to take part in Earth Hour this weekend. Check it out here and join in a great way to show stewardship of creation.

  7. Easter was the only day of church for me - I attended with our 9 y/o grandson who was asking about the liturgical colors of the year! Otherwise we were busy helping out with one son as his wife gave birth to a second child and awaiting news from the other coast of a second child for our other son. Lots of new life - woohoo!

  8. Late SOS to anyone reading through these posts...I just posted a request for advice about church bulletin boards on my blog .

  9. I'm tired too, but not because of Holy Week services. I managed to post today though...check it out if you're scientifically inclined, or just curious!


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