Candlemass is past, and Christmas is well and truly over, here in the UK February looks set to be its usual grey and cold self. Signs of spring are yet to emerge; if like me you long for them perhaps you need ways to get through these long dark days. So lets share a few tips for a cold and rainy/ snowy day....
1. Exercise, what do you do if you can't face getting out into the cold and damp?
2. Food; time to comfort eat, or time to prepare your body for the coming spring/summer?
3. Brainpower; do you like me need to stave off depression, if so how do you do it?
4. How about a story that lifts your spirits, is there a book or film that you return to to stave off the gloom?
5. Looking forward, do you have a favourite spring flower/ is there something that says spring is here more than anything else?
Bonus; post a poem/ piece of music that points to the coming spring......
As always, let us know in comments if you play. Post a direct link to your blog entry in your comment using the following formulation in the comment box: <a href="the url of your blog post goes here">what you want the link to say goes here</a> For a complete how-to, click here.
I played, on a cold wet morning here are my signs of spring..
ReplyDeleteI got in early here!
ReplyDeleteI the waited for spring here
ReplyDeleteI played for the first time! I wonder if it will work?
ReplyDeletehref="http://hearthside-angela.blogspot.com/2010/02/staving-off-gloom-friday-five.html">Played< for the winter blues...hope this works today...
ReplyDeleteI can't believe I'm this early -- go me! Think spring here ...and bring a seed catalog!
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to spring over here!
ReplyDeleteI sprang here...
ReplyDeleteFebruary's not so awful bad here, as Sisterfilms says "It's short and there are two holidays" but I played anyway.
ReplyDeleteAs winter plods on....and on....I thought longingly about spring and played here.
ReplyDeletespring? really?
ReplyDeletei'm having my doubts!
Thanks Sally. I had fun.
ReplyDeleteI broke through the gloomies...here, with photos as well.
I'm looking forward to Spring!
ReplyDeleteI played tulips, bears, and Mary Oliver
ReplyDeleteSpringing hopefully forward here
ReplyDeleteWith the sun finally shining outside, here is my Friday Five.
ReplyDeleteI played on a gloomy gray morning with the possibility of snow here.
ReplyDeleteI staved off Cabin Fever here.
ReplyDeleteI played over here.
ReplyDeleteWhat fun! Mompriest and I posted the same poem, proving only that great RevGals think alike..... :)
ReplyDeleteSpring is just around the corner!
ReplyDeleteThanks Sally - your Friday Five reminded me to go and cut some forsythia to "force" to get me through the next few weeks of snow, snow and more snow. Here's mine, with 2 bonuses! :)
ReplyDeleteAs it has just started to snow...the "big one" as they call it. I played here
ReplyDeleteBetter late than never here.
ReplyDeleteOrdinarily, I like winter, but this year I'm ready for this winter to be done.
ReplyDeleteI bloomed away the gloom here
ReplyDeleteI finally got here.
I played and havent for a very very very long time. I played!
I may be a late comer but, I played here.