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Friday, November 04, 2011

Friday Five: Time with Friends Edition

I have been spending my week with one of my favorite people and it has been a joy. As you can tell by our shoes lined up in the picture from our first ever visit together we have slightly different hobbies - those that require cleats and those that require... lavender Crocs. Despite our differences we have found commonalities in conversation and coffee; life and faith. This week we were both working but were still able to find the time to hang out in a really cool bookstore and see the autumn scenery at a nearby state park.

For today's Friday Five please tell us 5 things you like to do with friends. Are they local - do you hit a favorite coffee shop or nail salon? What about the friends who come in from out of town? Do you have a restaurant or museum you like to show off?

As always, let us know in the comments if you play so that we can comment and maybe more importantly get some ideas. It's easier if you post a link in the comments. There are instructions on how to achieve such things here.

Thanks for playing!


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