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Friday, May 31, 2013

Five Transformations

I'm looking forward to a good husband feels well, I am taking on some new challenges, I have a new church home, and overall I feel like I am moving in some new directions. When I saw this picture, I felt a kinship with this woman (though I cannot to a lotus pose like that...not yet, anyway).

Sculpture is called "Expansion" by Paige Bradley. 
You can read more about it and its creation here.

For today's Friday Five, share five occasions or events in your life that have been turning points...when you have felt like a new thing was being born. You can refer to the birth of children, career, your kitchen garden, or whatever moves you.  

As always, let us know you played in the comments, by linking to your post with the following formula!
<a href="the url of your blog post goes here">what you want the link to say goes here</a>.


  1. Thanks, Mary Beth, for this reflective moment. My long play is here

  2. Sorry, that link isn't working. Try this: http: //…ransformations/

  3. I am so sorry. Really worked hard on this. Neither of the above seem to work. I've named it "Turning points and transformations. Sisters (and brothers), I can't even figure out how to delete those two comments. or maybe this When you get to the blog, just go to home and scroll down.

  4. RevAlli, I don't want anyone to miss your beautiful play!! Let me try:.

  5. I wrote one too...and yes this was difficult! Five Transformations.

  6. I did it! My first Friday! Thanks MaryBeth!

  7. I got my transformation on here.

  8. Great question, Mary Beth and the story of the statue very inspiring. Thanks. Here's mine: Death and Resurrection: The Essence of Discipleship


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