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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Saturday A-K -started early, finished late.

Sat a.m. early:
It's my Alpha Weekend, so I'm starting this before and will finish afterward. What are others up to?

Let's see...

Many of us playing the "Planet YourName" meme game, including Cheesehead, Cats, Gord, Net, Grace upon Grace, Emily, Sue, (did I miss anyone?) What a wonderful set of fantasy places to go!

Many of us (including yrs. truly) are looking forward to Songbird's Prayer Partner initiative. The e-mails are currently going out to those signed up, and these pairings will run through June.

Brick Wall shares a wonderful & special resource for families grieving the death of a baby (or a stillbirth).

StarvingArtists tells us what various celebrities require when travelling.

Peter considers books started and not finished: "The reasons are varied, but they all boil down to "reward not sufficient for the effort." Gosh, I wish I could remember the ones I've started & not finished...too much effort to think of them.

Katherine's sister Elizabeth is the winner of a great award: "She is among the 25 scrapbook artists who were named to the Hall of Fame 2006 for Creating Keepsakes." If you scroll down a bit you may read a marvellous sermon by Katherine herself. Indeed, their parents have amazing daughters!

Mindy has so much to be GRATEFUL for including rain in West Texas! Blanket in the Grove is grateful for WorkRave - a snazzy little shareware program that reminds you to take a break from your computer!

The Bible Readers are in Luke. Brother Terry is outraged. Cathy has a miracle dog to tell you about. Chaplain Mom is preaching to an immensely diverse group and I can't wait to hear how that goes!

Cheesehead (whose lectionary discussions on Tuesdays in this space are adding so much!) shares her sermon for today.

Clever Title has been to visit a Coptic Orthodox church. Fascinating stuff.

I love this from the AngloBaptist: "It is a shame that using U2 in a sermon may be cliche." Not in my circles, not yet! Keep it up!!

Erin's playing a meme on identity. Cool. Gord has determined he is Tevye in the Fiddler on the Roof Character meme.

Contemplative Chaplain has shared...something...with a street preacher. Welcome to Sarah from Contradictory Notions! She's got great cat photos.

Dash is musing about the upcoming foot washing - do you ever feel uncomfortable with footwashing, if you do it? Well, it is SUPPOSED to be uncomfortable. Go look at the scripture. And Dylan's back, after a long time away. Sally's had her first CafeChurch.

Keep Jules in your prayers - she's had a heck of a weekend and is coming back slowly. Gallycat, too, could use a shout out to God on her behalf. HeavyRevvy needs special prayers for a possible adoption and a little one named Thomas. Sue is giving up caffeine in hopes of getting rid of cluster headaches. I know she needs prayer!

Leslee's got another photo contest. The Hershey Kisses have been getting the better of Girl. Me, I just can't start with those. AT. ALL.

It's Mothering Sunday in the UK. Go read about Kathryn's special marvelous service & activities.

Grace upon Grace has been published in the Salt Lake Tribune! A revised blog post, yet!

Jo(e) has been at a blogger meetup. Woo woo!

Kinesis has been getting some press for her Ally training. Hey, Kinesis, I'm an Ally! at my university, but still. I say, YOU GO!

Timing update: Now it's Sunday am before church. Alpha's Holy Spirit weekend really took it out of me...I came home and fell down fast asleep. I think sleep is a gift of the Spirit, too. :)

Blessings on you all...

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