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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Holy Saturday: The Roundup A-K

It's so good to see Jennifer of Ordinary Time back on-blog! She's planning a September wedding, and chaplaining, and preaching for she's BUSY!

TammyJo's been reading her community paper and feeling sickened by the commercialization of Easter. Really, what do sports stars have to do with it? Hipchickmamma's thinking about it too - as a mamma.

Jan is feeling Good Friday relief. Mary's thinking and writing about Peter. Ciona tells tales of foot-washing, and asks to hear ours. Brick Wall is living a Good Friday - let's surround her with prayer. Cheesehead thinks about making a shroud. Contradictory Notions has returned from New Orleans and posts powerfully about her experiences there. Cats refers us to a particularly terrible crime and a wonderful post about living in a Good Friday world.

Peter writes about the end of Lent and of his Lenten Walking. Brother Terry sends love.

Katherine's considering being both a pastor and a writer (uh, you are, dearest, in case you weren't sure!) and has done some snazzy shopping.

Bad Alice points us to Jeff's Passover Quiz, and Erin and Sue blog about the Seder.

Anybody got a rant about the Methodist Book of Resolutions? If so, BethQuick would like to hear it!

Mindy shares more art (cows, bumperstickers). Note that the Mindy Cow Decorating Contest has been extended, new deadline is May 1! Woo hoo!

Blanket in the Grove is moving...and sharing her journey. You'll love the place they just looked at. Maybe. Canticles and her spouse have found a new church home!

Talking about grace...Carolyn is enjoying her newly restored family, including that wonderful granddaughter! ChaplainMom's little A has had a 2 year checkup and is doing great.

Welcome to Chelley's Teapot and her animals! and a Good Friday meditation too.
Dylan's lectionary has good thoughts on Good Friday, and JaneEllen does, too. HeyJules continues with the Stations of the Cross....wonderful.

ChurchLady is playing the Lottery. CleverTitle has a lot going on, though it's a typical Egyptian "a lot" rather than typical American Holy Week "a lot."

Contemplative Chaplain has a new friend, and it allows her to blog in bed.

IN THE NEWS....(da da da, da da da) ...if you are a certain age like me (41-ish) you are hearing the music...Dash posts a link to the Gospel of Judas.

Gord has a link to an Eagle Cam (too cool!) and considers the Cross.

Leslee's caption contest is here early!

Gallycat thinks about her Palm Sunday. And, hey, y'all: I just read an article by HER in Geez magazine! ¡Muchos felicidades!

Girl considers her parents and their marriage.

Kathryn has a wonderful series of meditations for Holy Week, the latest on Mary (Stabat Mater).

You cannot imagine what gifts have been given to Grace upon Grace for her ordination! These are sure to be useful in her ministry... :)

Emily shares about Maundy Thursday and the Good Friday stations at her small church. The Spirit was moving. (and on Palm Sunday, she was moving via donkey!) HermaneuticLand writes about Palm Sunday as well. Hit the Back Button has a link to a virtual church.

HeavyRevvy has been in a mondo hailstorm! Yikes! Sophia got a pedicure in preparation for Maundy Thursday.

Jo(e) celebrates the birthday of a famous blogger who shall remain nameless.

Kinesis looks at the Transition from Holy Saturday to Easter...


I leave you with this from the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer Holy Saturday service:
O God, Creator of heaven and earth: Grant that, as the crucified body of
your dear Son was laid in the tomb and rested on this holy Sabbath, so we
may await with him the coming of the third day, and rise with him to newness
of life; who now lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for
ever and ever.



  1. I've posted a general invitation on my blog for any folks who might want to participate in Round Two of Blogging through the Bible in 90 Days. Stop by my place, then let me know if you're interested. We thought the Easter Season would be a great time to begin.
    Blanket in the Grove

  2. Thanks, Jan! I need to pray about that...I tried with the first group and didn't make it. Must be sure it's not all about MY decision...!

    :) I'll check in at the Grove.


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