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Monday, May 08, 2006

OH!! A-L, Self-Round!

Confession: This afternoon I thought to myself, "When I get home from my meeting tonight, I have to do the round-up." Welll, dear readers, that thought came and went and stayed away until I checked this page to see what was new... and, well, thanks to Songbird there's a round-up for the second-half of the alphabet.... Perhaps I should note my oversight of this thing that I love to do and answer a bit more honestly when folks ask me how I'm doing....

So, in the name of self-care, I'm asking you to self-round ... and to forgive!


  1. I just posted about risk. All I can say is "whoa". I just sat down and started typing. Where did that come from? Check it out if you want.

  2. Blessings on your self care!

  3. I wrote about Julian of Norwich, and also updated on our OpenHouse service...thanks for the prayers, peoples,- it went really well this month :-)

  4. i posted about the first-grade talent show here at my egyptian school, and also uploaded all those photos from when the fam was here visiting. good times, had by all!

  5. Pink shoes, take care, we can self round...
    I'm a proud Mama - my daughter made Dean's list. Please go and comment and give daughter kudos! She reads my blog -- she will love seeing the comments!
    Ok, my buttons are popping, but I am proud!

  6. Take care of yourself pink shoes!

    I posted about my new iPod, which I named Surely....

  7. All is forgiven, hope you have time to chill a bit pink shoes....
    I've posted on my study weekend , dealing with my own messiness and how one short conversation showed me that everything is worthwhile!

  8. Ah, everyone is so creative! I didn't have nuthin' yesterday...but the day before I blogged about the Gospel lesson, specifically about the significance of "I know my own and my own know me" and why that's been my own personal lifeline on many an occasion when other people try to tell me that I'm persona non grata on the Christianity bus. (And I got to post a very lovely work of art.)

  9. Tonight I'm going to write about my wanting to learn music, but my post probably won't be up until late in the evening.

  10. I'm back from my sister's. Thanks so much to those who prayed for me. I really did feel carried on prayer for much of the time!

    I'll write about it soon, perhaps.

    Meanwhile, I am looking for advice on bridging the generation gap in church.

  11. 1.I promoted our book, and bragged about my small part in producing it.

    2. I hope to have something about my romantic status up this afternoon.

    3. Prayer request - I'm travelling. Educ Commission meeting this evening & tomorrow, then to the W TX foothills to visit my brother Wed - Sun.

  12. 104 books sold as of 5:04 pm Eastern something time.
    Are we now Daylight time or Standard? I never remember.

  13. I reflected on the seminar I led last weekend

  14. I got the job!

    I am the Senior Pastor for the Community Church of Wilmette in Wilmette, IL.

    Who knew?

  15. I wrote about the episcopal election in California, and a fortune I got from a Chinese restaurant.

  16. You probably won't want to read mine! I posted about Spurs at the end of the football season, having been bumped off 4th place by Arsenal (grrrr). See, I told you you wouldn't want to know!


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