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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Saturday Blog Summary--M to Z

The RevGals and Pals have voted in Reverendmother's Friday Five and it's official--Tom Cruise is certifiably ba*#**t crazy!

There were so many clever answers to the meme, but I have to give the QG Best of the Five Award (M to Z edition) to ~drumroll please~ Rhiannon for her photo essay on the subject. Her reward will be your appreciative comments! I copied the cartoon on the left from her post.
Please welcome new bloggers Minnesota Woman Preacher, a divorced mom of 2 Lutheran pastor, Elizabeth Evans (Musings Out of the Seminary Fog), a third year Duke Divinity student aspiring to be a Baptist minister, and Kristen, of Trying to Walk His Path, who begins seminary at Drew Theological School in the fall. Take a virtual plate of cookies and a big "Howdy" over when you visit.

Of Pastoring and Churches: Join Ruth RE in a glass of wine, a blog and thoughts on the call process and discernment. That's Jeff over there in the corner, stuffing himself with cake, while he celebrates the news that his satire Culture Warriors Unite will be published in the next issue of the magazine Wittenberg Door. Poor Pink Shoes had a bad, very bad, no good day. I posted an update on the controversy in the Presbyterian Church over the admission of an avowed atheist to membership in a church in Austin.

And More...Rebel Without A Pew seeks advice on establishing a good work routine. It's a Small World for Songbird--in triplicate. You can read part two of Amy's review of The Da Vinci Code movie at her place. Amy Avery has pictures of her baptism of a very special baby girl. The Groovy Jubilarians are pictured and honored by Susan Rose. Natty encourages us to follow her link to the blog of the family whose daughter was mistakenly identified as the survivor of a fatal accident because it is a powerful witness to their faith. Bring your Kleenex or hanky if you go.
Personal Notes From All Over--Why are the Irish like the Koreans? Check out OTR's findings on the subject as she visits the Emerald Isle. News Flash!! Fish the Prodigal Kitten has returned to St. Cassarole's amid much rejoicing. Rev Dr Mom posts a peaceful photo essay recording a recent walk in her neighborhood. Being Shielded reports much business with projects and the search for employment. Congratulations to Lorna on the 9th grade graduation and award to her son. Bet you didn't know Caroline was almost a contestant on The Price is Right! Check out her reflections on that experience, American Idol, and experiencing God.
Fun Stuff-- Polar Bear is buying lots of cute new clothes and shares pics, and today has to sit with her kitty. Ginger shares precious "Milesisms". And Revabi, God love her, explains why you really, really need to eat more chocolate. I'm on it!

Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday. If you visit one of the services at my church you will see everyone dressed in red! I hope your church has a special tradition for this birthday of the church too. As always, if I missed you, or you updated after this post, please add your comment.


  1. I put out a shameless plug for people to come visit .... and not just prospective nuns, either!

  2. Tomorrow I am getting (conditionally) baptised. Today I got a copy of the first book I have ever been published in. God's timing? You be the judge!

  3. I thank you and the direly misunderstood --yet in all fairness stinky-- Mexican Freetail Bats thank you.


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