Good morning all!
It's Hump Day,
and time for the Festival!
Several of our number are participating in Project 365 (a post a day - photos, writing, you name it!) Here's one way. Spotted around the ring: Jonah, Songbird, Linda (FM), PreacherMom, Rev.Dr.Mom, PPB....who else is playing? Shout out in the comments!
On Jonah's regular blog, you may read a two part meditation on Iraq and the chance for hope.
Kathryn is remembering her mother: gently, lovingly. Beautifully. It's a gift to read.
Lorna's made it back to Finland from seminary in Estonia and IS IT COLD! keep pulling for snow there! And don't miss this great post on her Mobile Office. God has been good as well in providing her with a new song after a bad, bad day.
Didn't get your nomination in on time? Don't worry, be happy! And, while you are, nominate yourself or someone else in the comments!
If you can, please post a direct link to your blog entry in your comment using the following formulation:<a href="the url of your blog post goes here">what you want the link to say goes here</a>
For a complete how-to, click here.
365 here
ReplyDeleteIf the link doesn't work -- I can't believe I just spent 15 minutes trying to do that again -- then come on over to Search the Sea!
Gannet Girl
I am excited to have my brand new website up and have switched by blog over (from Sacred Art of Living). I would love to have some visitors over and tell me what you think! Visit Abbey of the Arts
I cleaned my office! This is a big deal.
ReplyDeleteI actually posted it after the deadline, but my latest newspaper column is here
ReplyDeleteActually it turned out to be sort of a column/ad.
Anyone have the correct link to Kathryn's blog? I couldn't remember the name of it. I clicked on the Wednestival link, but got Sunday's Child.
ReplyDeleteYou can read about my $80 pork chops here .
ReplyDeleteI am writing about award winning books, silence and family stuff. But I really liked the latest post on hipchickmama!
ReplyDeleteBoy I hope that works!
I'm doing the 365 thing too here on my main blog. I've started a new blog on the new blogger to do it, but it isn't working for me yet.
Blogger just wants to see me cry. You can't imagine how many times I edited this post...and the links WERE all right, really they were!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to try again to fix it. Dang. IN the meantime, Kathryn is at: http://goodinparts.blogspot.com/2007/01/thanks-for-memory.html
Blogger IS being a pain today!
ReplyDeleteI posted on a seminary epidemiology... the product of a late night procrastination session...
I've posted about my sliding-across-the-road-in-my-cute-new-car excitement, and also about simple luxuries I've been thinking about lately.
ReplyDeleteHopefully blogger will post this comment. I've noticed several comments I thought I made that don't seem to have appeared this week...grr.
I've got a late one--wrote it Saturday, folks!
ReplyDeleteIt's about time, literally! And it's hereif Blogger plays nice.
I posted a sermon from this past Sunday, and would love comments!
ReplyDeleteThe main theme is the body of Christ from the context of Anglicanism.