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Friday, March 09, 2007

Friday Five: Matters of Taste

My mother loved figs.

I only like them in a Newton.

It's all a matter of taste.

Name five things you like a lot that some close relative or significant other did/does not like. This could be food, movies, hobbies, music, sports or whatever springs to mind.

Let us know in the comments when you play.

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  1. I played - cause I won't get to post to much later... like tomorrow late. So I am doing it now and hope I won't be late for work. Here it is.

  2. Amusingly enough, my mother also loves figs, and I can't stand figs but love fig newtons. Strange. Of course, I understand that figs : fig newtons :: chicken : McNuggets, so maybe that shouldn't seem so strange to me.

    ANYway, I played here, and I found it interesting how this transformed from a simple game to something much more meaningful over the course of my play. Thank you!

  3. Dang! Trying the link again...

  4. Love the photo!

    I will play in a bit over at my place .

  5. You say potato, I say Po-TAH-toe!

    I played here, friends!

  6. my 5 is here. great stuff songbird. off to look at others soon!

  7. My first Friday Five! You can see it here.

  8. Here's my list
    Thoughts posted below it on a ministry we are involved in and sermon thoguths.

  9. Oh, this is a great one, Songbird! You have such a talent for these. My responses, including 2 funny things, are over here.

  10. opps. I put blogsport, not blogspot.
    Trying again

  11. I played here and had a really interesting time thinking of things that are nt food related!! I guess that says something about me and explains why I'm always overweight. :)

  12. I played

    Scroll down a little further if you've missed me.

  13. Oh this was a tough one- some lighthearted, one not so much- I played matters of taste here

  14. I played here with a mix of positive and negative--thanks, Leah! I didn't put this on my post, but I second your thumbsdown on "Amazing Grace" (the done to death hymn that calls people wretches, not the movie, which sounds cool).

  15. i'm in here. I'm with you mandy c on the food fixation!

  16. I played. Most of my answers are relatively succinct (compared to my norm).

  17. I played late. Son had plays to perform this morning at school. Very fun. Hope I didn't miss you.

  18. I played late, and will be back to check out all the others.

  19. I played!! Sorry its late. :) This was hard, fun, and revealing.... ;-)
    My five

  20. I'm a day late and a dollar short... and you'll find out why HERE!

  21. I know - I'm really late . . but here i am


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