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Friday, March 23, 2007

Friday Five: Rivers in the Desert

I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19, NRSV

As we near the end of the long journey toward Easter, a busy time for pastors and layfolk alike, I ponder the words of Isaiah and the relief and refreshment of a river in the desert.

For this Friday Five, name five practices, activities, people or _____ (feel free to fill in something I may be forgetting) that for you are rivers in the desert.

As always, let us know in comments if you play. If you want to try linking directly to your post, use the following formulation:
<a href="the url of your blog post goes here">what you want the link to say goes here</a>
For a complete how-to, click here.


  1. And, yes, I know it's only been two months since I picked "Renewal" as a Friday Five topic...

  2. That's okay - this was a lovely topic, and a timely one. I played here Thank you, Songbird!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I played here.

    Now off for a busy day, will check in later to read all of yours!

  5. I played
    not in tandem with a dog this time, but both are in the list!

  6. Songbird the link in your 8:20 a.m. comment leads back to the Rev. Gal site.

    Meanwhile, I'm meditating on the theme, and hope to post something later today.

  7. This was a great Firday five! i played here

  8. Whoops!
    Thanks! It's humbling to mess up a link and have someone else fix me!

  9. You are alright with what you chose Songbird, and you brought up some lovely mental pictures and memories for me. I went to the desert.

    What's that song, "I've been to the desert on a horse with no name...."

  10. Just posted my responses.

    I just hope I got that link right....

  11. I started to play this morning, then realized I have an appointment for a (badly needed) haircut in a little while. I'll be back to play later.

  12. what a wonderful set of questions. I might just do this ... later ...

  13. Well, for me, the birds had me thinking on this topic already this morning...


  14. ooh visiting the oasis... I'm up for it!

  15. I'll play after Spanish class. But first good news. The biopsy showed no evidence of cancer or precancer. Thanks for your prayers!

  16. Rev Maria, how wonderful! Thank you for letting us know!!

  17. An interesting thread that runs through my Friday Five is that my “rivers in the desert” are all things that are simply types of activities. It can range from really fancy to really modest, as long as it is essentially one of these activities. Maybe that’s a quality of a “river in the desert.”

  18. thank you songbird!

    what a lovely play! i got all emotional and mushy. it was a great play. thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  19. Conventional and predictable play for a GREAT topic I absolutely love--now off to finish the handout for Theology of the Cross class 5.

  20. Here is where I played.... I'm going to try to link it, but I'm not sure it if will work! Hope so!

  21. I'm not sure if I understood the directions kee-rektly or not, but I stopped for a long, refreshing look at my oasis here.

  22. Great topic! My answers to those desert times in my life are here.

  23. Even thinking about the rivers is a sort of river in itself. Thanks for the question! Here are my answers for today.

  24. I haven't played in a very long time, but for some reason I was feeling "refreshed" enough to play today!

  25. Is it okay for dogs to play, too? My Five is over here.

  26. I finally got around to playing!

    Also to anyone who read my blog earlier this week, Ill try and get around to posting an update about it later today!

  27. I finally stopped scurrying about enough to play. You can find mine right here. Now I'm off to read some of yours and try to relax.

  28. thank you everyone- I have enjoyed this reading- it has done my soul good- perhaps I should add you to my list!

  29. It's Friday afternoon and I have just gotten home from work so I have now posted mine. I have a dark horse in my list,go find out what it is !

  30. I played. And no matter how many times y'all try to get me to do a link in comments, I just can't. I give up.
    So, click on my name and visit me that way, won't you?

  31. Dreaming of walks by the river I am in

  32. Closing the place, here, with three people already starting the preacher party. Good company throughout the day, and my rivers are

  33. Really tired today, even though it's Saturday, so just doing this has done me so much good. I won't get the html stuff right, I'm certain, but here's another attempt at a link
    One day

    It worked! It worked!
    Now that has totally rejuvenated me :-)

  35. Thank you to Kathryn for pointing me this way.
    Here is my set of rivers.

  36. Well-- this was unexpected. Given my current state of disenchantment with humanity, I am humbly bemused by the fact that 3 of my 5 rivers are, in fact, human. Just as I was snuggling into my misanthropic resentment like an old smelly blanket. Now that's gone, too. Great.
    yours in the struggle,


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