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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wednestival: Double Edition

Beep, beep, it working? Sorry for the lateness of this Festival, but my computer has been oppressing me again.

Because we skipped regular postings last week due to Holy Week, I have an extra helping of bloggy goodness for us all!

Holy Week
Almost Reverend Anjel writes a meditation on war and faith from the site of Pickett's charge at the Gettysburg battlefield.

Mother Laura reflected on two joyous Holy Week times here and here, and then, on the somber side, a Holy Thursday reflection about how preaching the cross can help -- or hurt -- victims of sexual violence.

Here are some thoughts from Sally on embracing a holistic view. And Mompriest offers powerful thoughts about transformation!

I moved from Holy Week angst to Easter joy in a most unexpected way.

Christine at Abbey of the Arts has decided to practice resurrection during the Easter season! Go find out what she's planning, and see some amazing flowers, too.

April shares her vision of the Risen Christ!

More Cows shared a wonderful Easter sermon!

Music and Ministry
LutheranHusker wrote a hymn for his congregation's 75th anniversary (on Palm Sunday!) You can find the sheet music AND an audio file here! You are welcome to use, but he'd like to know if you do.

And on a very sad musical note, LadyBurg's organist passed away. She wrote movingly about it here and here, and about his memorial service here. Thank you for sharing this friend with us.

Milton writes a thoughtful piece that grew from a friend asking him to comment on a church dealing with a twice-convicted sex offender who was asking for membership.

Leah shares a Eucharistic Prayer/Great Thanksgiving/Canon she wrote for Maundy Thursday for your enjoyment and use if you wish.

Bethquick gives us a study revealing how ministers spend their time at work, and how much time they spend.

It's all about the Visuals
Kirsten has photos of her recent mission trip to New Orleans. And FrogBlog somehow found a photo of...The Easter Bunny!

Gannet Girl's got a word picture of Holy Week at the beach and real photos of an Easter Snowstorm.

Lorna's been writing about women in ministry in Finland, and so has Miapappi.

Fun Stuff
April is having a contest! Go and play! I predict this one will be very popular, especially as the deadline is April 15 (and we all need a little diversion from those taxes -- right?!)

Prayers, Please
Gallycat has had some bad news about her health: a diagnosis of either spinal arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Please send up prayers for her and for her Dear Future Husband (DFH) as they move through this, and as they prepare to close on their awesome new home April 26!

What's Coming Up?
If any of you out there are interested in helping with RGBP tasks (such as posting the Wednesday Festival, Friday Five, etc.) please send an email to We would love to have new folks involved, and some people are getting ready for - mmm - a little rest.

The Festival of Homiletics is coming, too, in Nashville at the end of May! I've only read about this via RevGal blogs, but I'd give my eyeteeth to go. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm gonna get to (not being a preacher)! However, if YOU are going, give a holler in the comments, and let's see if a meetup can't get happening. (It may already be...I don't know! If that's the case, let us know that, too.)

Anyone I missed? Forget to nominate yourself or a favorite post? you know what to do: list it in the comments!

Wishing every one of us the joys of Easter this week!


  1. Well, that's what I get for not doing the link thing. If you want to see Holy Week at the beach, go to Search the Sea and scroll back to Early Monrning Observance. :)

  2. Whoops, sorry Gannet Girl! I just saw the photo of the 2 young men on the beach and figured that was what you were referring to!

    I've fixed it now, I think...let me know if not. :)

  3. I forgot to mention a post I did at the ending of Lent what what I learned... mostly that God is "more than enough."

    Back in the pile of papers and all things seminarily important...

  4. I posted an Easter poem on my blog. Check it out!

  5. Too late for the deadline, but I have a post on The Lost Tomb of Jesus.

  6. erm sorry but

    "Bethquick gives us a study revealing how ministers spend their time at work, and how much time they spend."
    leads to Sally's blog not Beth's

  7. I have two posts about foodie things:

    Another wild Paschal Feast, on the Easter Dinner husbandy and I made for the chaplaincy where I work.

    And On Double Chocolate Hazelnut biscotti as a spontaneous Easter Monday activity.

    Delurking myself! :)

  8. I'm going to Nashville - anyone else?!

  9. Thanks, Lorna! Link repaired!

  10. I look forward to reading all the new blogs and latests posts when I have a late tonight. Thanks for pointing out my post on Holy Week hangover....

  11. Those of you who know Bad Alice will be happy to know that her husband is posting updates on her condition at

    She is doing well! Thanks be!

  12. I'll be in Nashville too!!!

    WooHoo!! I can't wait!

  13. I've posted a draft of my Shoah sermon over at Rainbow Pastor . Comments welcomed!

  14. I really want to come to Nashville just for the chance to meet some of you. Well, that, and I've always wanted to go to Nashville...


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