Being a part of the Wednesday Festival team really gives me the opportunity to read blogs I might not typically get to and to realize the diversity of writing styles in this group! Thank you!
Need to read some good yarns?
Tell you what - PresbyGal writes another installment of indispensably invisible -it's a darn good read! How does she spin those stories? And talk about spinners here --Spooky Rach posts her latest cheese chronicle.
Are there strings attached here to this post??
Check out RevMommy's extraordinary trio here (when's the next gig?).
Across the pond.....
Lorna (See through faith) continues to write about being missional and has found a great course which could be perfect as a place to start being intentional out there in the big, wide world. She also took a long hard and serious look at how she has been an awful person as a Christian and said sorry (and then she tagged others).
Sally shares with us Sarah’s story; - some thoughts on Sarah’s faith! And... Sarah asks a very important question at the end ! A poem was also posted as part of this months synchroblog on inclusivity and exclusivity.
On the more serious side to writing....
Shawna has begun the start of a book proposal called Career Women of the Bible on my site, and she would love to get views and opinions on it.
This is the second RGBP blogger who I know of who has taken an 8 day silent retreat. Gannett Girl posts about her eight-day Ignatian retreat, with lots of pics, here and here and here and here.
Some meetings leave you with a meh- go give Cheesehead a hug won't you?
A little rumination, and great discussion, on success and competition in the ministry is over at Reverend Mother's blog.
ReverendaRosa's Bible Study went astray - go find out how.
From the this and that division....
Ca CHING!!!Mindy hit the jackpot - Check it out!
Deb has had some fun posts recently about her recent trip overseas, but this one is a serious one...
PrairieGirl is back, even though she thinks she fell off the blogging face of the Earth, she's back. Check out the fact she has started a new call and the blessings she has received. She really feels the Holy Spirit working!
Ok, now that you have gone to read these posts, how many of them did you leave a comment after reading? Go say hello to your fellow RGBP (fellow?) and let them know you were there. Know how good it feels to get a comment from someone?
Now... an RGBP Public Service Announcement:
Remember our book study for August - Revabi is our leader for this book:

Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott will be discussed on Monday, August 27. When you purchase through Amazon, RGBP benefits.
A few Q and A's on this Amazon Association.
How much do we earn?
We earn a percentage from the sales. For example we earn about a buck on the book above if you buy it through the link or from the Amazon search box in the side bar. The percentage amount varies depending on the number of items purchased.
What has been purchased?
Amazon offers more than books - one can purchase groceries, DVDs, pet items, electronics, and CDs. I might add that there has been a good bit of perfume purchased, so I KNOW the RevGals sure do smell good. And I happen to know I purchased my daughter's college textbooks so RGBP benefitted (ouch!).
Once I go through the search box or click on a link from here, do additional items also count?
Yup, as long as it is during the same shopping period (meaning through the same browser continuing from the link you originally sought).
You mean, that Ipod I type into the search box on the sidebar will give RGBP credit if I buy it? Yes it will.
How about if I buy a used book? That will too!
Does it tell who buys what in the report?
Nope, we have no idea who bought that thong. :)
Now.... go snooping on those RGBP blogs and share with us a find on someone's blog! Just email and give the link (make sure you give the specific post link!)
Great job, Cathy! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteY'all please keep Sally of Eternal Echoes in your prayers, also her son Chris. Many of you know that he has faced grave health challenges throughout his life and is an amazing young man...right now prayers are needed for an arrythmia that has developed.
You can read more here. Please join me and many others in lifting up this family.
thank you for sharing this, mary beth.
ReplyDeleteI have a website I am trying to comprehend Maybe performance art? Maybe more? Maybe sinister?
ReplyDeleteMy mom bought the Funk and Wagnalls encyclopedias at the grocery store for us to use in school (maybe twenty years ago?). I think they still have them. :)
ReplyDeleteGreat news over at my place -- Fellow Traveler's biopsy results have all come back negative for any sign of cancer! Thank God!
ReplyDeleteOn a lighter note, you can also read about my recent adventure in Hell, and my favorite Tiger.
Over at my place I've got a post about re-watching "The Pursuit of Happyness and meditations on sandwich perfection.
ReplyDeleteCathy! Thanks! Great roundup! I didn't intend to play, and it's late in the day, but here are some Yellow Roses I did.
ReplyDeleteSally, I know you probably already realize it, but prayers arising from here, as well.
Thanks for the link!!! I sure appreciate it. And so does Miss Jezreel.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Cathy. Thanks. And, thanks to you MB for update on Sally and Chris. I'm off to read and comment now!