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Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday Five: Think About These Things Edition

Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8, NRSV)

Friends, it's nearly Thanksgiving in the U.S. and it's the time of year when we are pressed to name things for which we are thankful. I want to offer a twist on the usual lists and use Paul's letter to the church at Philippi as a model. Name five things that are true, honorable, just, pure, pleasing, commendable, excellent or worthy of praise. These could be people, organizations, acts, ideas, works of art, pieces of music--whatever comes to mind for you.

Clearly, Molly the Blogging Dog belongs on such a list. Thanks to jo(e) for the great picture of Molly.

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  1. Here is my list!

    Sorry this was late; we're still working out the kinks in our new posting schedule.

  2. Thanks for helping me focusing on being thankful. I love the picture of Molly =) I played here

  3. I am quite sure I've never been this early to the commenting game! I HAD to use Molly's pic in my random, scattered posting!

  4. I posted Molly's picture as well - she's so beautiful!!

    I posted here.

  5. I apologize I will not be participating this week.

  6. Molly is one of God's "thoughts, gentle and mild", a phrase from one of my favorite hymns.

    Such loving, caring eyes she has.

    I played here music and art included.

  7. listening to the goo-goo dolls and posting this

  8. Thanks Songbird- this reminded me to raise my eyes and to be thankful again!

  9. Thank you, Songbird. This was a needed reminder. I posted, along with a black and white photo of which I am proud, right here.

  10. jo(e) got better pictures of her than I ever do!

  11. I haven't played but I just had to say that I LOVE that picture of Molly. That is wonderful!

  12. I played here It's short, though, too many words required to go into papers this weekend.

  13. Molly is super cute!
    I played at my place. Thanks for reminding me to say thanks! Blessings!

  14. Thank you, everyone, for the compliments!
    I am playing today, right over here!!

  15. I played as well. This was kind of a hard one for some reason.

  16. I really had to work at this one. Thanks for giving me a reason to.

  17. Won't have time to play until much later if at all, but wanted to say that Molly is lovely and the question very thought-provoking. If I can't play, will surely be back to read and ponder.

  18. Wow there's only 19 comments! I'm usually into the 40s when I post. I played here.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. For some reason the first link did not work. So that's my delete up there, sorry.

    once more

  21. this was hard, which makes me super glad I did it!

  22. I played thinking about these things.

    Now, I need to go walk my dogs before it gets dark...yeah, and it's only 3pm...

    I'll back soon to read all your blogs!

  23. Great twist, Songbird! (And great Molly picture, of course). Thinking on these things

  24. Great thinking this! It helps get the idea that we need to look at these things more often than we likely do.

    My computer has been off-on and will shut down until I find the problem. Since it's going now...I'm taking time finally to share where
    I played

  25. I did a short play here. It’s good to be home… and I missed y’all. There are some really... really... good plays posted today!!!

  26. Love that Molly Dog pic. She hath clean hands and a pure heart for sure! My own purehearted ones are over here, along with other items.

  27. Here is my list and I have some youtube to go along with it.

    I am thankful for Friday Five - that's my #6.

    Here is my list.

  28. It's been a busy week here in Lake Wobegon, my hometown...

    Well, it ain't Lake Wobegon, but I did include a GK quote, as well as pictures of an ugly birthday cake and a literal "carrot top." Stop by and see for yourself!

  29. I couldn't pass by this one. I've been quoting Phil.4:8 35+ years and counting. You can find my thoughts here.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I'm posting a little slow , but here it is:

  32. I'm a little late, but my list of various things is here.


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