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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sunday Prayer

Loving and Mysterious Christ, today we give thanks for you – for your birth, life, and ministry – and for the ultimate mystery of your death and resurrection. We thank you for the power of Love revealed in your earthly presence in our midst, and for the eternal gift of the Holy Spirit to guide, strengthen and comfort each of us.

We don’t always know how to imagine you, Jesus, nor do we all share the same sense of who you are. We give thanks that your love for us is deep and wide enough to contain our confusion and missteps.

Thank you for loving us as we are and encouraging us to grow in love and faith, just as you encouraged your disciples so long ago. Bless us this day and always, as we continue to follow your way.

Jesus, we have named some people and situations that we know are filled with struggle. You know the ache in the human heart when there is loss, illness or broken relationships. You know all of our struggles, and so we ask your special blessing upon us and all who suffer.

By your grace, grant us peace. By your power and inspiration, help us to be peacemakers, bringing your radical love and justice wherever we go.

And hear us now, as we pray using the words that you taught to your friends…

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