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Friday, December 21, 2007

It's Almost Christmas, Friday Five!

I have debated with myself for weeks about today's Friday Five.
  • Self 1: It should be deep and theological.
  • Self 2: But it's almost Christmas, it should be fun and warm and sweet.
  • Self 1: But your last Friday Five was sort of silly. You should show your more serious side.
  • Self 2: You worry WAY too much!
So after consulting with my fourteen year old daughter, we're going playful, pals o' mine! I love stories, so I hope you'll tell some about your favorite Christmas memories.

  1. What was one of your favorite childhood gifts that you gave?
  2. What is one of your favorite Christmas recipes? Bonus points if you share the recipe with us.
  3. What is a tradition that your family can't do without? (And by family, I mean family of origin, family of adulthood, or that bunch of cool people that just feel like family.)
  4. Pastors and other church folk often have very strange traditions dictated by the "work" of the holidays. What happens at your place?
  5. If you could just ditch all the traditions and do something unexpected... what would it be?
Merry Christmas from RevHRod, Self 2!
It's only fun if you let us know you played. So please post a direct link to your blog entry in your comment using the following formulation: <a href="the url of your blog post goes here">what you want the link to say goes here</a> For a complete how-to, click here.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I did play and I posted what we have every Christmas Eve that has happened for a LONG time. It's so easy.

    I played here.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My link keeps disappearing.
    So, I'm recovering from the Open House for the congregation. But, I played here

  5. It is Friday here, I'm playing (@2:29 am), and then I'm off to bed...

    it is almost Christmas!!!!

  6. Wow! We are one early bird bunch!

    I played here and now I have to do laundry!

  7. Joan Calvin (Presbyopia) player here. NOt sure why your link is disappearing, but your link is here.

  8. Thanks for the questions. I'm looking for extra points since I'm including a recipe. I played here

  9. ooh, this is so good and so early, but... not sure if I can play. I'm actually in the middle of a Christmas story right now over at my place.

    It's called Christmas in Japan

  10. Happy
    5 days til CHristmas. Recipe included!

  11. well, what fun. :) Stories of a pink mouse, TWO recipes (I always was an overachiever) including the kids' favorite "chocolate sugar bombs" and more... HERE!


  12. Wowee! Fifteen posts and it isn't even Friday yet here. I'll be back to play soon.

  13. i left my play right here thanks for being soooooo early, heidi!

  14. I posted from Winter Song - the short poem about the solstice and wrote about how today is the end of Advent for our family and the beginnging of Christmas time.


    Skip over and see

    But the shortest day is a busy one, so I'll do FF tomorrow morning. It's still FRiday somewhere then.:)

    Be blessed

  15. I played here and I'll be back in the morning to read other's posts.

  16. For the first time in forever, I played!!! It's up and here at Calacirian.

    Thanks for the early warning!

  17. I played, but still looking for those recipes!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Ok, sorry, trying to perfect this link thing. I played along today- even added a recipe. Find it here

  21. I played from far away!
    It´s here on my blog,which goes everywhere with me.

  22. I played here . But you'll have to wait for the favorite family recipe, 'cause I don't know it by heart and will have to look it up!

  23. This brought back some great Christmas memories. Here's my play

  24. good morning all. i played hours ago, but had some posting issues. no time to make the rounds today... maybe on this longest night.

    realizing a shortage of traditions here.

  25. I played here with double bonus points for two recipes!

    Merry Christmas to all!

  26. great friday 5 Revhrod! LOVE it!

    it's been a while since i've played but i happily had the time today!

    i played here

  27. Great choice, going playful! I played here

  28. Oh, that was fun! Thanks, RevHRod.Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good sermon.

  29. Cute pic! I played at my place and enjoyed the break. Merry Christmas y'all!

  30. thanks for this RevHRod, I enjoyed playing, I'll be back over the Christams week to browse the posts- right now I am busy, busy, busy!

    Have a wonderful Christmas all!!!

  31. This old scrooge just couldn't play. All you get is one recipe today. Old Fashioned Peanut Butter Fudge: recipe here.

  32. I played at at some length here I'm sorry it's so long, but it would have been much shorter without the recipes!

  33. I played here and really had fun with this. I'll try to find my recipe for the cashew cardamom shortbread and post it in comments later. YUM!

  34. Just squeezed in before bedtime...a friday five on a Friday is almost unknown

  35. Thank you one and all for posting such wonderful pieces. Such delightful memories and some really good recipes.

    I am so truly thankful for all of you! This community fills my cup so often and today was one of those days.

    I hope your Christmas is blessed by new memories filled with joy and happiness. And may the Spirit bless you with less stress, good preaching and a wonderful holiday.

  36. Late as usual, but I finally played here.
    And I included TWO recipes!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.


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