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Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday Five: Read any good books lately?

The website promoting this piece of art says, "For the first time, the worlds most influential religious texts are brought together and presented on the same level, their coexistence acknowledged and celebrated”. The shelf is made of reclaimed wood that contains seven religious books. The designers have put them – literally – on the same level.

Well, pish posh! I think that some books ARE better than others! How about you?
  1. What book have you read in the last six months that has really stayed with you? Why?

  2. What is one of your favorite childhood books?

  3. Do you have a favorite book of the Bible? Do tell!

  4. What is one book you could read again and again?

  5. Is there a book you would suggest for Lenten reading? What is it and why?

And because we all love bonus questions, if you were going to publish a book what would it be? Who would you want to write the jacket cover blurb expounding on your talent?

It's supposed to snow here this weekend, so I think I'll just check out your answers and hope to find a good book! Please let us know that you've played by creating a link to your blog. The secret code is <a href="the url of your blog post goes here">what you want the link to say goes here</a>


  1. I've posted here.

    Looking forward to reading what you have to say!


  2. wow, this is EARLY. I'll see what I can do.

  3. I know I was early. Tomorrow will be an early day for getting to work and I didn't want to keep you waiting. ;-)

  4. I did play this and thank you for getting it up early. Fridays are jammed packed for me so I am glad it is here.

    If anyone has my favorite children's book, well, I will be your friend forever if you send it to me. :)

  5. I played poetry and photos.

    Also, I have posted a picture of the babies here.

  6. I'm never this early! And this was fun, fun, fun. Happy Friday, all - my play is here.

  7. Have I read any good books lately? YUP YUP YUP!

    P.S. I appreciate the early posting! I doubt I will get to non-work stuff tomorrow until late in the day!

  8. Go hereto read my bookworm post. is midnight. Back in the a.m. to read what you all have to say.

  9. Yay! Great Post!
    Book-It over to my
    and see what I have been reading!
    I need a good Lenten book, so can't wait to see some ideas.

  10. Wow! I'm late to the party, but I still had fun here.

  11. I played and it was fun. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be accepting my link today.

  12. ooohhh how I love a snow day. With the two hour delay I was to play

    God_Gurrrlll played here

  13. IT's a snowy day and there is no school- I got to sleep in! THanks for a great Friday Five, HRod. I played here

  14. I tried to be concise...just didn't have it in me.

  15. Here's mine. I'll be back to read the rest.

  16. No matter how hard I try to get this done and posted early, I am without fail not the first. Wah. Thanks revhrod, for such a great Friday Five. I really enjoyed it. But I got a question, just what website was it that had the picture and put all the religious texts on the same level?

    Any hoo here is my best of the best books post.

  17. Classes haven't begun yet, and I'd scheduled a morning to write, so I got to play, too! Reading about my reading here.

    Thanks for a great set of questions, revhrod, I can't wait to see what other books I can discover this way!

  18. I played.

  19. Wow, this one looks cool. I'll play in just a minute over at my place.

  20. Great Friday Five. I played at my blog:

  21. Oh, this is so much fun!! I love books!!

    I posted here.

    I hope you like it in a box.
    I hope you like it with a fox...

  22. Wow! Early Birds abound! My play is here Now I'm off to read some of yours.

  23. I played for the first time in a long time...

  24. For those who want more info about the book shelf: go to

    It is titled Juxtaposed and is a mere $2500. It is the first in a series of "curated bookshelves." They also show the shelf with the books in place.

    Thanks to everyone who has played so far. You've read some great books!

  25. It seems rather late to post my books, but here it is.

  26. OK! I'll look forward to checking all the other responses tomorrow morning; but for now, I've posted right here!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I'm very late but finally posted my link HERE

  29. After a break of a few months, I played.

  30. It is almost tomorrow, so I am signing off for the night. (If you post after this, I do promise to check your blog in the morning.)

    In celebration of all the reading we've done, here's a poem for the night.

    Reading in Bedm by Helen H. Moore

    Oh, what could be better
    Than reading in bed,
    Or thinking about
    All the books that you've read?

    With someone who loves you,
    A father, a mother,
    A doll, or a pet,
    Or a sister or brother,

    A grandma, a grandpa,
    An uncle, an aunt -
    (Can you think of anything better?
    I can't!)

    While outside the sky
    Is all twinkling with light,
    From stars that shine down
    As we sleep through the night.

    Oh, what could be better
    Than sleepin in bed,
    When the books that you love
    Fill the dreams in your head?

  31. I started out to do this at seven this morning and finally made it here.

  32. Ususally when I'm this late I just let it go, but not this topic!

  33. My favorite book in childhood was
    "Swiss Family Robinson". Just now
    I've been reading "Three Cups of
    Tea". Some of it is hard, but some
    very inspiring.


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