As an adult I understand the meaning of good for this day. It is a solemn day of remembrance but it is also a time for us to stop and recall the great gift of love that we received this day. And that is most certainly good.
Our worship today will differ from place to place. Some services will focus on the great litany of prayers. Others will use the seven last words of Jesus. Some of us will walk the stations of the cross. Others will participate in a Tennebrae service of shadows and light.
I hope that this Friday Five will be a meaningful part of your Good Friday. God's blessings to you on your journey.
- Our prayer concerns are as varied as we are this day. For whom would you like us to pray?
- Are there things you have done or will do today to help the young ones understand this important day in our lives?
- Music plays an important part in sharing the story of this day. Is there a hymn or piece of music that you have found particularly meaningful to your celebrations of Good Friday?
- As you hear the passion narrative, is there a character that you particularly resonate with?
- Where have you seen the gracious God of love at work lately?
We hope that you'll share your postings with the rest of us. You can add a link in the comments by using this formulation: <a href="the url of your blog post goes here">what you want the link to say goes here</a>
Shalom! RevHRod
Am I really first?
ReplyDeleteI played here.
I played here, complete with a wee video.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI won't have time to play, but I have to say this is a wonderful and revential Friday Five. I hope I will have a chance to read some.
ReplyDeleteThank you for this chance to stop and reflect. My responses plus a video are here
ReplyDeleteI'll have to play later, but ironically my sermon today is about what's good about Good Friday.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you all. I played here.
ReplyDeleteI rarely get to play this early, but took the opportunity before work to reflect on this good day here
ReplyDeleteI played here. Thanks revhrod, I needed to do this today. Blessing's y'all!
ReplyDeleteHere I am!
ReplyDeleteI played here
ReplyDeleteIt's been ages since I had a chance to play. Thanks to a snowstorm (yes, it's spring in Wisconsin) I did today.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI shared my reflections here. Thanks so much for this!
ReplyDeleteI don't think I'll have the chance to play today, but thank you for lovely, thoughtful questions.
ReplyDeleteA blessed Good Friday to all.
yep it's good friday...
ReplyDeleteover here
Sculpture and a prayer... here.
ReplyDelete(neither of them mine...)
I reflected here.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry that I won't have a chane to play today, but m grateful for these thoughtful questions.
ReplyDeleteI'm in...it's been awhile. Peace y'all!
ReplyDeleteMy play.
ReplyDeleteA few thoughts here if I can, and then so send a heartfelt thank you to so many of you who have followed my Holy Week journey here. It continues today, ma's birthday. Beautiful 5 RevHRod. Please pray for those who are lost and not yet found. A sudden snow has halted most of my plans for today. So I am listening to my Taize chants, am thinking about the Holy Mother Mary, and reminded of God through this community today.
ReplyDeleteApparently my link was goofed. (Thanks Wyldthing, for letting me know.) Let's try it again
ReplyDeleteThanks for the stimulation. My response is posted at my site. ((but it won't accept the tag...))
ReplyDeleteNot much to say except for the prayer requests, but I played
I don't think that this was play, but it was a good time to pray...
I participated in this opportunity for reflection here.
ReplyDeleteThanks HRod!
BC had a comic a few years ago:
ReplyDelete"Why do they call it 'Good' Friday"
"If someone died in your place, what would you say?"
"Have a nice day."
Great Friday Five. I played here.
In Finnish today is called L-O-N-G Friday ... are we supposed to have long faces I wonder. Hard to have because we KNOW the end of the story. Jesus did it for US. Because He and the FAther loved us.
This is my contribution...
ReplyDeleteThank you for a great Five, RevHRod! Katie and I played here.
ReplyDeleteI left my thoughts here.
ReplyDeleteI also added a YouTube link for my favorite Good Friday song.
I played here
ReplyDeleteHere's mine.
ReplyDeleteI played, and I included a video to my favorite song too.
ReplyDeletei don't have time to do the friday five, although my sermon is a meditation based on mary magdalene. but i include my musings after maundy thursday, as they seem appropriate enough for the day. for what it's worth, here they are
ReplyDeleteI played late, but HERE it is. Thanks, RevHRod.
ReplyDeleteI've never played along with the Friday Fives before, though I've been lurking for a good long while now. I think I needed to this week.
ReplyDeleteFive for Good Friday
Thanks for this one..and for letting me play.
This evening when we prayed the Bidding Prayer, I had so many things to offer. Thanks to all who offered petitions and to all who offered concerns this day.
ReplyDeleteI did play and posted it a while ago, just forgot to come back and tell you!
ReplyDeleteIt's here
Fresh from New Zealand! A day late on my side of the world sorry! Fantastic questions thank you!
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy first Friday Five!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I posted a link to the resurrection cookie directions.