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Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Music Video: Hail Thou, Once Despised Jesus

I am on my way to Austin this morning for meetings tonight and tomorrow, so am missing church at home...but I know my congregation will be singing "Hail Thou Once Despised Jesus." Here's a different take on the piece, with Southwest visuals for you.

What did you and your folks sing today?


  1. we are going with the idea that we are the hands and feet of christ with a job to accomplish until he returns. So we are singing "Go Make of All Disciples" and "You are the Seed" we are also singing "rejoice the lord is king"

    I'm also going to try for my first sunday preaching without a manuscript. I have an outline and good chunks of the sermon, but I want to be more casual in my preaching, so i'm going for it... eek! I'll let you know how it goes.

  2. We sang "Come and Find the Quiet Center" and "Jesus Calls Us" and "We Rejoice to Be God's Chosen"--none of which are in our hymnal! We also sang "come and fill" from Taize. It was a good day. One of our youth played a movement from a Mozart Horn Concerto for the offering at the middle service and did such a good job!
    At all three services the anthem was "Be Still" (Ginny Owens) which is always gorgeous.
    It was a good music day here!

  3. I am usually an outline preacher who is preaching manuscripts for the next month because for reasons I won't bore you with, I'm posting the sermons on my blog. I hope it went well.

    I'm preaching our O.A.S.I.S. theme and today's topic was for the O

    Offer Hope.

    So, with the theme of water and/or hope in view, we sang

    Solid Rock (My Hope is Built on Nothing Less)

    Fill My Cup Lord

    Come to the Water

    Fountain of Life (an awesome song written by our own worship leader. Wish I had a tape I could share. I might have one sson.

  4. We had a really lovely communion song "Lead me to the Cross"
    (see here for a truly nice video...

    Naomi (our lead vocalist) sang it beautifully - better than this recording...

  5. As part of my sermon I led the congregation in singing "Be Glorified", and invited them to personalize the verses to fit their lives this week. I got big smiles when I suggested "In my fields, Lord, be glorified, be glorified, in my fields, Lord, be glorified today!"

  6. We sang that! Only not that way:) (although this version was lovely).

  7. That was beautiful. We did not sing it, however. Much of the southwest scenery is similar to that of the Holy Land. Peace.


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