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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday Festival: Talking about children

Could there be any happier news to share right here at the top than a brand new baby? RevScott and Kris are thrilled to announce the new arrival in their family, little Alanna Sophia. RevScott explains in a post called Now We Are Four that Alanna is Gaelic for "dear one, darling child, beautiful child." For those who love cute baby pictures and videos (and honestly, who can resist?) I suggest checking out the subsequent posts on his blog, Nachfolge.

Meanwhile, Mother Laura is going through some difficult times with her son. He's in the hospital, and she requests prayer for him and her family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, ML!

Rev Maria was glad she had checked in on Saturday's 11th Hour Preacher Party when four young children showed up unexpectedly for worship on Sunday at her nearly childless congregation and she was all ready for them with a Children's Sermon. And those kids got it! You can read what they had to say in her post There are Children Here!. She was also doing some thinking about where she's been since May 3, the date of her last previous blog post.

SheRev accepted the challenge she found in a post from Larry Patten, who suggests coming up with our own kingdom comparison parables. You'll find SheRev's suggestions here. I love the image of a nursing mother!

Lorna had a great trip up to northern Finland last week (the sun never went down!) and stayed on a horse farm where there were three most delightful foals in the field next to the house. You can check out her travelogue and photos here, and see a few shots of the foals (more babies!) here.

Sally is looking for help with her dissertation. What are your views on emergent liturgical practice? Her post on the subject includes a video with N.T. Wright, and she'd love it if you'd visit and share your thoughts, too. She also has a poem for Mary Magdalene.

If I missed you and you'd still like to suggest a post, either one of your own or something from another RGBP member, please feel free to mention it in the comments. And for next week, don't forget to send your nominations by e-mail to Wednesday Festival.


  1. I'm inviting responses and reaction to a statement about the lasting effects of a pastorate here.

  2. I wrote a light hearted response to a post about prayer on Stuff Christians Like.


    Oh yeh, and like the prodigal son, I've come back to RevGalBlogPals! I missed ya!

  3. If you come to my place you'll get a great, easy jam'll read about bullies whose careers progressed beyond the playground...and you will also see how our entire household has really taken the ELCA's "Book of Faith" Bible study initiative to heart.

  4. I would suggest that you all swing by Magdalene's Musings, as she has posted an incredible monologue from the perspective of Hagar.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. If anyone has some prayers for a messy church politics situation where I seem to be caught up and labeled the scapegoat I would appreciate it. I'm spending a lot of time processing all of this at my blog

  7. speaking of children... Rev. Erika at
    just had her baby! both mom and baby Katherine are healthy and getting used to one another! Congrats to all!


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