As we look back we may come to understand how God has worked in and through us in joy and saddness. how we have grown against what may seem impossible odds. As we look forward we may do so with expectation, and we may do so with fear and trembling. As we look back and forward in New Years liminality I offer you this simple yet I hope profound Friday Fivein two parts:
First list five things that you remember/ treasure from 2008
Then list five things that you are looking forward to in 2009
As you read one anothers blogs today I challenge you to leave a word of encouragement and pause to pray for each member of Revgals as we step into a New Year. I leave you this New Year Blessing from the Iona Community:
We stand to face the future:
God behind us in the past
Christ before us; the way ahead;
Christ beside us in this moment;
Christ beneath us in our weakness;
Christ above to shield us-
beneath the shadow of his wings we are safe;
Christ between us to bind us in the unity of his love;
Christ in us equipping us with his all sufficient grace.
Thus armed and guided, and protected we face the new year.
Now we arise and go forth on the journey before us,
knowing that, where Christ leads, life is a journey home.
Therefore we travel in faith, in hope, and in love,
in the name of the Father/ Mother, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
May the blessing of God
be upon us
all this year
and into eternity. Amen.
As always, let us know in comments if you play. Post a direct link to your blog entry in your comment using the following formulation: <a href="the url of your blog post goes here">what you want the link to say goes here</a> For a complete how-to, click here.
I played here
ReplyDeleteI played at my place. Having trouble with my linky today, sorry.
ReplyDeleteI sort of played this one already, at least in terms of what I'm looking forward to.
ReplyDeletewishing and hoping here
ReplyDeleteI reviewed with gratitude and looked ahead with hope here.
ReplyDeleteEven as I was working on it, I knew that this was just the beginning of what 2009 might hold.
ReplyDeleteWhat an enriching Friday Five! I'm still at the Richard Rohr conference, but will try to do this soon. It would be good for me. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteMine's right here. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteI loved this, Sally. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteThis is my play
New Year blessings to all, and I will be back later to read!
I hung ten here.
ReplyDeleteHapy New Year to each one!
Great Five! Just what I was reflecting on yesterday. I played here.
ReplyDeleteThe 2008 stuff is here. I looked ahead in the post just before, so scroll down to it, if you're interested.
ReplyDeleteHi! I played for the first time here
ReplyDeleteI didn't actually play, but my post from last night when I couldn't sleep matches up fairly well with the topic for today.
ReplyDeleteSo, if you're feeling so inclined, by all means, check out my glance back and look forward here.
I'm looking ahead here
ReplyDeleteand thanks for the beautiful blessing; I'll use it Saturday at our Celtic Eucharist.
I played here, probably showing how boring my life is!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh Sally, nice! I played here
ReplyDeleteLet's try the link again. I reflected here
ReplyDeleteIt was a good exercise in reflection.
after an extended absence, I played here
ReplyDeleteMy lists are here
ReplyDeletefinally, I'm ready with my endings and beginnings
ReplyDeleteThanks Sally!
I played here. Happy New Year, Friends! :)
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed considering the treasures of 2008 when I played , Sally. Thanks for a happy opportunity
ReplyDeleteI played with an important announcement about the next year!
ReplyDeleteI played here. I'll have to read around later!
ReplyDeleteI almost forgot it was Friday! But I finally did remember to playhere
ReplyDeleteFive happy memories
ReplyDelete1. Baptizing sweet baby Kristen on the 28th.
2. Floating down the river with our daughter on our 36th wedding anniversary.
3. Visiting my Aunt and Uncle in their 80's/
4. Being with our son and daughter in law on their 30th birthdays.
5. Starting work as Interim
2009 looking ahead
1. Planning trip (s) to India
2. making life more simple
3. Moving
4. Losing weight
5. Enjoying each day Grace upon Grace
I played here Thank you Sally!
ReplyDeleteGreat one Sally! My New Year's play is here.
ReplyDeleteI have posted at my blogspot Mosaic
ReplyDeleteNow I look forward to reading and praying for the rest of you.
Blessings for all in the new year.
The Celtic artwork is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteA short thank you before I try to link to my site. I have been reading/lurking here for some time and am grateful for the community and encouragement offered even when I've not made myself known. I've been away from ministry for almost 6 years for health reasons, and knowing this community is here makes considering re-entry a little gentler. A heartfelt thanks to all who share!
The link isn't working for me, hopefully clicking on my name will.
I'm late, but I'm with you!
ReplyDeleteNot very profound, but reasons (and reminders) to be happy and hopeful -- my lists are here.
ReplyDeleteI'm late, but I played here
ReplyDeleteI've also been experimenting with blog layouts. I really liked my last one, but then started to feel it was too scrapbooky for my tastes. So now there is something new to work the bugs out of =)
ReplyDeleteSO much for 'Free time' during vacation. Or maybe I just forgot what day of the week it was??? LOL...
Happy New Year every one -
I'll play next week. :)