The theme of change is dominating my thinking at the moment, this morning my husband Tim has headed off for an interview in Sheffield. The West Sheffield Methodist Circuit are looking for an Evangelism/ Mission Enabler, in may ways this would be Tim's ideal job, but we wait on God... ( if you can spare a prayer today we'd be grateful)
...Sheffield is a commutable distance from my new post as Minister in Sherburn-in Elmet and some of the surrounding villages, before Tim gets home I will have left to join the Leadership team there for an away day on Saturday, I'll be staying the night with the current Minister in Sherburn to talk over some of the practicalities of the post.
ALL IS CHANGE.... and although I am looking forward to it, it is not without a sense of trepidation, as change always brings challenges.
Changing location also means packing, so next month will be a month of clearing and sorting, deciding what comes and what gets left behind...
So with change in mind I offer you this Friday five; ( if you've never moved here's a chance to use your imagination)
1. A big move is looming, name one thing that you could not possibly part with, it must be packed ?
2. Name one thing that you would gladly leave behind...
3. How do you prepare for a move
a. practically?
b. spiritually/ emotionally?
4. What is the first thing you look for in a new place?
5. Do you settle in easily, or does it take time for you to find your feet in a new location?
The bonus for today; a new opportunity has come up for you to spend 5 years in a new area, where would you go and why?
As always, let us know in comments if you play. Post a direct link to your blog entry in your comment using the following formulation in the comment box: <a href="the url of your blog post goes here">what you want the link to say goes here</a> For a complete how-to,
Moving on is on my mind here. AsI said, I am off to visit my new Circuit today, I may catch one or two posts before I leave, if not I'll be back to catch up with you all tomorrow evening.
ReplyDeleteI moved here.
ReplyDeleteThe dog thought I should get up early, so I reminisced about a lifetime of moving here.
ReplyDeleteI got a move on here !
ReplyDeleteplayed but can't link... gotta run!
ReplyDeleteOy, I've moved so many times! I played here (and I'm praying the link works...)
ReplyDeleteSally, thanks for hosting.
ReplyDeleteSide note: Technology issues...again. So if Jan@Yearning for God or Diane@faith in community stop by the Friday Five...IE8 is not allowing me access to your blogs and Firefox is not loading due to proxy issues. Arghhh!!!!!!!
I packed some mental boxes here.
I played too...
ReplyDeleteThis is very apropos as PH and I await my first call. I played here
argh, let's try this link!
ReplyDeleteI played while hoping with every fibre of my being to avoid another move for a good few years
ReplyDeleteI gave some thought to the moves and changes here.
ReplyDeleteJust got off the covered wagon here
ReplyDeleteMy prayers are with you and with Tim.
ReplyDeleteAs to preparing for a move:
I found that the most important aspect of making a change is emotional and psychological. Physical move may be tiring on our muscles and time consuming. By comparison, though, it is much easier to make than emotional and psychological change...
I played wildlife move...
ReplyDeleteMine is here; Sally, you've got our prayers!
ReplyDeleteI've got a move upcoming, so this was perfect timing! I played here!
ReplyDeleteThough I concentrated more on remembering moves, I came back to the need for change.
ReplyDeleteA good one for me, as moving is very much on my mind these days. I packed it up here.
ReplyDeleteEven though it gave me frightening flashbacks of my own Big Move this winter, I played here.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying out the knew knowledge of how to link and answered the questions about moving here.
ReplyDeleteMy mom always said, "MOVE is a dirty, four-letter word."
ReplyDeleteSo here's my thoughts...
I LOVE TO MOVE!!!!! and explained a bit about it...wonderful topic, Sally!
ReplyDeleteHaving just moved in the last 2 weeks, I'm your expert!
ReplyDeleteMy play is here. Prayers for Tim's interview and your visit, Sally.
ReplyDeleteI kind of played, in a roundabout vague sort of way, over at my Other Blog, Desert Year. Thanks, Sally, for the wonderful opportunity to start to put some thoughts in order.
ReplyDeleteI've got the moves.
ReplyDeleteI have no desire to move, but a gave it some thought here!
ReplyDeleteIt's good to be back. I played here.
ReplyDeleteI have three years to think about this!
ReplyDeleteLet's try that again. I have three years to think about (the right link) THIS!
ReplyDeleteHey Sally and all, I didn't have time to play today - if you know me on FB you can see that my day - the first day of the girls' summer vacation- was wondrously busy. But Sally, I am praying for Tim and have been since this morning - hope all went well...and I will post tomorrow! Good night all.
ReplyDeleteI'm ready for a move. Well... it would probably be more honest to say... I'm preparing our house... so that we can sell it and move. How I would go about moving is is posted here.
ReplyDeleteA late night play!
ReplyDeleteHa! Moving is on my mind but only because I am grouchy with this place.
ReplyDeleteMoving here