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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wednesday Festival: Free-Form

Image: Freeform knitting from Distance Knitting

Good morning!

No posts nominated today, so I'll invite you to a free-form Wednesday Festival: your comments are the Fest!

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  1. Good morning, everyone. Believe it or not, I've been up writing for an hour. This paper MUST have a draft today since I would like to vacation doing only edits (and we leave Thursday.) I am still doing the alphabetic gratitude blog and it has been a great spiritual discipline. And if you haven't read one of my entries under "F" -- please do. It's about one of our foremothers of the faith, Ellen Stewart, who happens to be my thrice-great grandma. :) Oh - and I invite you to join me at a virtual tea... as I share about an upcoming ministry opportunity.

    Happy summer everyone!


  2. go visit jan's blog for some thought provoking posts! I'm contemplating cookies and moms and church and all kinds of stuff now.

  3. yeah! love the moms, cookies, and cooking blogs!

  4. I just want to say...the accompanying photo makes me want to pick up knitting needles again!

  5. I have a special post for a very specail person

  6. Here
    is a special post for a special lady!
    Sorry I am so late.
    Bad day for Blogger!

  7. The photo I used in this post made its way to my own blog, for a look at the free-form way knitting is moving in my life...


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