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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Wednesday Festival: Gratitude and Other Considerations...

Graphic from JustASeeker

See-Through Faith is fasting from the Internet on Fridays. Find out why here. Other recent posts at her place include Way Out There, about man on the Moon, and one on a great (and not great) day at sea.

Deb says, "Now we do our ABCs... of gratitude and blessing. I caught the idea from MomPriest (), who saw it being done at AltarEgo. Perhaps others want to join us! If they start Wednesday (today) then they would go through the end of the month. A nice way to go through a month." A very nice way, Deb!

If you decide to join in this (editor gets in line), please let us know in the comments! Or tell us what you or your favorite RevGal and Pal reads are blogging about on this fine August day.

Grateful for this community; blessings on you all....


  1. Hey everyone! I'm celebrating my 500th post with my very first contest! Come stop by and enter here!

  2. i too have been doing the ABCs of gratitude... it is an amazingly simple and effective way of refocusing energy on the positive! i'd say to anyone... give it a try!!

  3. I'm also doing the ABCs, though not everyday. Life has been getting in the way. But it's been fun and I will eventually get through all the letters!

  4. There has been a lot going on in our lives in the midst of doing my gratitude lists, so I am weaving "real time" with gratitude. There's lots for which to be thankful in any event!

  5. trying to do the abcs starting August 6 at

  6. I've had an unscheduled break from blogging but I have given it a go here. I will try to keep up but can't promise. Will you forgive me?


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