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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday prayer Salty edition

Come be the salt in our life that we then can be the salt in other’s lives.
Lord, Teach us how to not be stumbling blocks in the little one’s lives.
Lord, teach us to accept each other even though we are different in our practices and our form of worship and church government.
Lord, Teach us to be the salt that this world needs.
Lord, help us in our walk to be your disciples.
Lord remind us it is for such a time as this that you have called us to be your disciples, to spread the salt of your grace and love in this world.
Lord remind us to spread your hope in a world that sometimes feels hopeless.

cross posted at revgalprayerpals, and rev abi's long and winding road


  1. I love this! The Salty Edition! The Gospel next week is bringing us back to the salt of the earth ... may I use this? You are awesome!

  2. Yes you may! Prayers are shared here for that purpose. Blessing to you.


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