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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday Festival: Puppies and other Things

(STF's pups!) There are EIGHT (8) total.

See-Through Faith has been on what seems like continuous puppy watch , come on over if you'd like to help! She contemplates spiders' webs and a call to holiness, and has a new Bible to tell us about.

Songbird shares an audioblog post by a non-ring member about a project she is doing, collecting letters from ordained women to collect in a book for women entering seminary/ministry. You can read about the project here. What a great way for us to be involved in encouraging women who are in the discernment and ordination process! Please do check it out.

Sally gives us two poetic reflections: Echoes of Grace and Grace.

What's yours this Wednesday? Let us know in the comments...and blessings on all!


  1. I finished my 'ABC's' (finally!) and you can read the end of the alphabet here... (check the index on the left side to find the last few letters...)

    I'm trying to decide if I should do the Greek alphabet now, since I'm in a year-long course... eh. maybe not.


  2. If you have ever loved and lost a special dog, you will probably appreciate the touching poem by Robinson Jeffers that I have posted here. Have tissues handy!

  3. This week is Invisible Illness Awareness Week, sponsored by Rest Ministries. I wrote (one) and (two) posts to help promote this week on my blog.

    Hope you'll check out the Invisible Illness Week web site, maybe watch or listen to some of the seminars, and most of all, remember to pray for those around us who have illnesses or disorders we can't see and don't always remember.

    Love and blessings,
    Sr. Hedwyg

  4. despite being a couple weeks old, this topic remains the talk of some towns and likely will remain so for some time, so I had to consider the ELCA's structured flexibility decision.


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