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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Music Video: All That Is Hidden

I sang this piece by Bernadette Farrell last summer, and listened to it again these last few days as I've driven hither and yon.

"All that is hidden will be made clear, all that is dark now will be revealed..."

No singing for me today, but I'd love to share in your community's music vicariously - so tell us what you sang!


  1. What if God was one of us?

    Our musician, Alex, played that song on the piano during communion today. It was absolutely spot on, as I went from person to person with the wafer. The circle of hands: a banker, a retired professional, a dozen homeless people, others who live in neighborhood rooming houses. Two, a man and a woman who live at the shelter, came forward only for a blessing. Another couple of men stayed in the pew, but one of them was there because one of our parishioners met him while they were in jail together. He told him about the church, and the man came today because our parishioner had testified about what a good place it was.

    What if God was one of us?

    God is one of us, or because God came among us, who we are is part of God.

  2. for some reason the link didn't show can you aim me toward it ? sounds like a wonderful song

  3. Jacqueline - that is a wonderful piece, thanks for sharing both music and reflection!

    Bobbie - the music is here.


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