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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Afternoon Music Video: Gaelic Blessing

My daughter Ladybug and I are tremendously enjoying singing in the choir together at our new parish. The musical level is high enough that I am pleasantly challenged to get back in serious vocal shape, and the director and members are kind enough that she and the other child member feel lovingly welcomed--a perfect combination!

This lyrical piece by John Rutter, sung here by the Edinburgh singers, was our anthem this morning--a new setting for me of a long-loved text. As I searched YouTube for the right arrangement Ladybug spontaneously began liturgical dancing around the living room, a joyous visual reinforcement of the peace that it brings me.

What hymns did you sing today in worship? Which songs bring you peace?


  1. This is wonderful and I have put it on my blog this morning. It is that "deep peace" walking with us, day by day, that makes joy come in the morning.

    Thank you.

  2. Sophia, I was grinning as I watched - my pal Mark was singing very beautifully in it :)
    Thanks for posting it!

  3. Very cool, Nik! And glad you liked it, Weeping--so glad you are with the RevGals.


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