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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday Festival: Stories and Love

Here's a good and lovely story to start us off: Wounded & Healing's son, "Junior," came into the world yesterday as planned, and all seems to be most well. Go leave her some booties (or congratulations, or whatever you'd like).

Lucky Fresh says, "I would like to submit a post I just wrote. It's a bit deeper than most of what I write and mostly just opening up some big questions. It's called Theology for an Era of Decline."
Sally shares, "I have swine flu so have been blogging quite a bit recently; thinking about worship, and about Chuch notice boards. And writing a poem or two." Get well soon!

Songbird gives us a reflection on the power of story and finding our paths and our gifts: Your Holiness May Vary. Jan has also been thinking about the amazing and sacred power of human stories shared.

And speaking of stories that make you shiver and gasp: don't miss MaineCelt's birthday letter to her mama.

Keeping in prayer all those of you stranded by snow, about to receive MORE snow, having mudslides...Let us know what you've been blogging while the winter holds court, wont' you?

In other news, it's Valentine's Day this Sunday, and that means it's time for the fifth annual Pantipalooza! Palooza founder, Princess Mindy, says, "What started out as an *I'm not going to feel sorry for myself on Valentine's THIS year* kind of a thing has turned into such a sweet outpouring of love.

"Palooza is simple. You are going to choose some woman, women or a women's group that can benefit from something you can donate or do...then you are going to do just that!" It's been in the paper. There's even a Facebook group with 183 fans; search on "Pantipalooza" to join.

And as Mindy says, it's not all about the panties anymore. Elastigirl has a new twist on the theme.

What will you be doing this weekend to show the your families, kiddos, those less fortunate than you? Share these or other ponderings in the comments. You'll get more visits if you include a direct link, thusly: <a href="the url of your blog post goes here">what you want the link to say goes here</a> For a complete how-to, click here.


  1. I guess I missed the deadline, but I had a story this week about our beloved cat Ouzo who crossed the Rainbow Bridge yesterday.

    You can find it here.

  2. This past week, at my place,, I mused about funerals, saints and Gordon Ramsay as church consultant.


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