Sunday marks the celebration of the Feast of Pentecost, and yesterday's Lectionary Leanings brought lively discussion of ways it will be observed. Music , drama, balloons, red velvet cake, "Pledges of Passion," and poetry are in the mix, along with baptisms, confirmations, and news of a baby due on Monday (you're in our prayers, SheRev!)
Sally says: I have read a number of blogs today that tell me that equality is still a long way off when it comes to ministry and even attitude. This saddens me, and I must admit that it is still my experience on occasions to meet with outspoken criticism about who I am and what I am called to. I don't want to enter into a rant, so I allowed my frustration to become creative instead! We were there too...
Two of the foundational themes of RevGals appear above: sharing plans and ideas for worship and preaching, and sharing our experiences of (many of us) being women in ministry. What can you add to these discussion today? May the Holy Spirit blow through your heart and mind, freshening your faith and the sharing of it.
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I wrote about feeling Pentecost coming, here.
ReplyDeleteI've allowed myself to enter into my joy of shoes (viewed as a more feminine trait, by some) on my personal blog, and re-posted my sabbatical plans on my professional blog.... I want to point out the poem *In God's Image* on the latter (11th slide down), which speaks a little about this equality question.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely poem/prayer, Rev. Pink Dragon!
ReplyDeleteBlessed Pentecost. May the Holy Spirit have Her way with you all!
My offering isn't so much on the topics shared, but I'll post it here anyway. We lost a true saint of God and the church this week. He spent his last 10-12 days in hospice care, and I was blessed to be with the family a number of times during that period. I don't often get to do that for some reason. This congregation doesn't usually let me know when health situations are going downhill or even if there is someone who is just sick. It was a privilege to be invited in this time.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, a week ago the choir (of which this man was an unfailing member) went to sing songs to him at home. It was also his 85th birthday. I went along with them and even added my (not so great) voice to their numbers. Another choir member who is a stay-at-home-mom brought her 3 year old daughter. The whole experience was a Spirit-filled joy, and I just kept looking at the little girl thinking, "I hope she remembers."
Oh yeah - - and thanks for the prayers, Mary Beth!
ReplyDeletebulletin cover for The Day of Pentecost
ReplyDeleteand today is the one-year anniversary of my facebook design page:
suntreeriver design on facebook
I'd love for everyone to check it out and maybe become a fan or even a future guest artist! thanks for hosting, MaryBeth...