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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Prayer for Proper 17A/Ordinary 22A/Pentecost +11

Oh God, you who are the great I am,
Who appeared to Moses in a burning bush;
Make yourself known to us today.
Guide us as you guided the Israelites to the Promised Land.
You know our sufferings in life, our misery, and our stressors;
Deliver us as well.
Hear our cry for those in the wake of the hurricane Irene,
and for those who have already been effected by her strong winds.
Hear our plea for relief for those who in other parts of our country and world
who have been experiencing major drought, for those living in famine.
Hear our prayer for those who have faced devastation and loss of life
from all the recent earthquakes that have occurred around the world.
Hear our request for liberation for those who are oppressed, under attack,
Held captive, and fear for their lives and wellbeing.
God of our ancestors,
We pray for healing and rehabilitation those in our midst who are ill,
facing surgeries, or recovering from surgeries.
We pray for strength, courage and comfort for those facing death,
those who have had loved ones to die.
Lord of community,
You have transformed us to be your people,
By showing us how to love as your son, Jesus loved;
By giving us your hope;
By filling us with patience to endure and persevere through the hard times;
By teaching us to welcome the strangers,
By pouring your grace into us so that we become generous to those in need;
By giving us your joy, we can rejoice with those who rejoice;
By weeping for your friend Lazarus, we can weep with those who weep;
By forgiving us, we can forgive others;
By feeding us, we can feed the hungry;
By filling up our inner thirst, we can give the cup of cold water to those who thirst; and
By your power to overcome evil, we can also overcome evil with good.
We do all these things to glorify you and to bring your kingdom here on earth.
And so as children of God we pray now the prayer Jesus taught his disciples….

cross posted at a place for prayer and rev abi's long and winding road

Painting of Moses and the burning bush by Chagall

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