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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sunday Prayer: Pentecost 3, God in the Unexpected

(God manifests in small and unexpected must be attentive to the potential of God)

Holy God, bless our lives, sanctify us,
and in your way, grant us our hearts desire.
Anoint us with your grace, that what we desire is also what you desire.
Help us to understand that our hearts true desire is the love of you.
May the love of Christ urge us on, may we walk by faith.
Thank you God, for all our blessings.

Holy God, bless those who govern –
Bless the leaders of nations, countries, towns, and cities.
And those who lead in all manner – social, political, and religious –
Bless us all. Fill the hearts of all with your wisdom.
Guide us in the way of justice and integrity for all.
Guide us to walk by faith.

Holy God, tend to those who suffer in mind, body, and spirit.
Tend to the tired, the dying, the poor and the hungry.
Help us to follow the love of Christ, a love which urges us on.
Help us to seek and serve Christ in others, bringing forth a new creation.

Holy God, we ask all this in the name of Christ, our redeemer.
Holy God, we ask all this by the Holy Spirit who activates your love in us.
Holy God we ask all this that your love may be like seed scattered -
manifesting in small and unexpected ways - the greatness of You.
May your love may take root in our lives, and we may walk by faith.


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