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Sunday, September 02, 2012

Sunday Prayer: Arise and Love - Proper 18B

Gracious God, we give you thanks this night/day for the gift of life. We thank you for being the foundation that supports our roots, for anchoring us richly, for nourishing us through the rocky days, the stormy nights, the wind, rain, and cold. During times when it seems all but impossible to stay grounded, you hold onto us. 

Especially on this Labor Day weekend - be with those who work with their hands, their hearts, their minds - in factories, stores, libraries, schools - with computers, the internet - in unions -for  those who labor in every way  to make our lives manageable, we give thanks.

We thank you for being there even when we are certain that we are all alone, abandoned to harsh elements
God of life, we thank you for all the blessings of our lives. For this on-line community that supports, sustains, and manifests images of You, of love and compassion and hope, through pain and hurt feelings, sorrow and loss. For our friends and family, those we love, with whom we celebrate in times of joy! Arise! And, love!

Compassionate One, we ask that you be with those tonight who need you most. Those who are struggling with their last breath, those who are taking their first breath, those who need release and the chance to take a deep cleansing breath. Bring them your peace.

God of grace, lead us into your truth, your ways. Help us, leaders, followers, in all walks of life, to hold before us a vision of your love. Help us, all, to love as you love, generously, all. Give us your eyes, your heart, help us to be your hands, help us to mend the broken places. Arise, and love.

Merciful God, forgive us when we fail, pick us up when we fall, sustain us when we doubt, guide us when we fear, embrace us when we cry, and laugh with us when we have joy. Then help us to do the same with those we meet, those we know, those we encounter day and night, even those whose lives we do not know. Help us to see deeply into the pain we cause - knowingly or not -help us to exhale your mercy that others may inhale your love.


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