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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

a Tuesday prayer...

...for this real-ness of life,
I give thanks.

...for the torti cat watching me pray this prayer, with half open eyes, purring loudly, waiting for me to finish so that she might jump on my lap,
I give thanks.

...for the delicious dinner out last evening, complete with coconut tofu sticks and fig and gorgonzola pizza and vegan shepherd's pie, with good wine, and amazing, amazing women who make Sunday School happen at my church,
I give thanks, and PRAISE, and awe.

...for the tiny two and half year old child who touched my glittery scarf two nights ago and said, "I loooove your scarf" and then took off his sandals to run barefoot through the room,
I give thanks, and smile.

...for the 15 and a half year old blind, deaf, loud, incontinent poodle snoring at my feet,
I give thanks, (and pray for patience)--

Sometimes, I think, I need Your presence.
And then I remember,
in the real-ness of life,
you are Everpresent.

Sometimes, I wonder what the heck it is I am doing here, where the heck am I going,
and then
You remind me,
to Be All Here.
In the real-ness of life.
I give thanks...
and remember to consider the lilies.



  1. Amen.
    For the 17-year-old cat at my side, I give thanks.

  2. Thanks for this, an oasis in uncertain times. For my little dog who snores when she is happy.


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