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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wednesday Festival: Finding and Sharing What You Need

I highly reccomend visiting Yearning for God and sitting with "Not God" for few-- truly the start I needed for this hectic hump day.

My second favorite post of the morning comes from Liberal Rev and the "Goofed Up Bible".

And my third reccomendaton for the has been much talk about spiritual but not religous folks asof late so I was intrigued by Talk With the Preacher's post Confessions of a Religous but not Spiritual. Check it out!

May you find what you need today!

When you do...please post a link and share in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. I am thinking of the word "chutzpah" (the quality of audacity, for good or for bad.) and how much of it folks had to have to correct someone for healing someone- let alone Jesus.

    Asking myself (and others) this week- In what ways do we tell God what God can or can't do?

    Hmm.. What chutzpah.


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