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Saturday, February 25, 2006

Saturday AM review

We're now following a new schedule for postings on the webring blog and I am charged with the task of summarizing today and yesterday's posts. Mary Beth of Terrapin Station will review and post on the first half of the blogroll sometime today. I find it suits my schedule best to review and post on Saturday the Last shall be First!

Songbird had a lot of players for the Friday Five Friendship Meme. My award for best response in the latter half of the blogroll goes to Will Smama.

There are several posts with explicitly religious themes. Jean writes a lovely meditation on the Transfiguation. Micah Girl urges you to Let Prayer Change Your Life. St. Cassarole posts a beautiful prayer she wrote for the Presbyterian Women's Memorial Day Worship. Songbird tries to write her sermon on the Transfiguration but instead tells the story of her third date with Pure Luck. She must be missing that boy a lot!

Richard at Looking Backward Looking Forward posts two position papers supporting same sex marriage, if you're interested. Intrinsic value and orthopraxy ("right practice") are the subjects of the day over at Wendy's. Rainbow Pastor seeks resources to help balance the need to set boundaries as her "part-time" job is becoming "full-time" vs. the sense of call. I'd like help with this problem, too.

Some of you gave us personal updates. Lutheran Chik's dog just LOVES Frank Sinatra. You can catch Susan Rose's latest post via a Blog2 podcast. Miranda looks forward to getting back in the pulpit again to preach at her alma mater. RuthRe plans a trip to Philadelphia. Getting the chance to Eat Grownup Food makes Juniper68 rejoice!

Lorna is back from a week's holiday and reports the skiing and reading were both great. Amy used to live in New Orleans and writes about returning this week for Mardi Gras to find her old house in ruins in a touching post called "How Desolate the City." Stacey is not feeling well but notes her first blog-versary. Peripatetic Polar Bear is out-of-sorts, too--feeling Grouchy and Googly.

Welcome new ringmember PamBG from the UK by stopping by her place to read her report of a presentation by Steve Croft about Fresh Expressions, which sounds a lot like Emergent Church to me.

Random bits and pieces: Philosophy Over Coffee's weekly Friday Pop Culture Roundup is up and he also posts a heartwarming story. Rambling reacts to the news story about the 62 year old woman who gave birth. Recent news events prompted Steph's response. Steve at Twerpette shares great ads from the Church Ad Project. I note that you're too late for the Birthday Party.

This week I didn't spot any new quizillas or blogthings going around the blogosphere. Are you giving those up in anticipation of Lent?

Let us know what's going on with you if I missed noting it and watch for Mary Beth's summary later today when the First part of the blogroll will be the Last covered.

Grace and peace to you all as you prepare for worship this weekend!


  1. I vote for Will smama too. Fabulous piece of writing.

    be blessed

  2. Um, yes, you are correct about my current condition.

  3. Okay,raise your hand if you FLEW to Jean's blogsite looking for a little help on the Transfiguration.

    And - blush - thank you for the very kind words about my friends post.

    Can I read that tomorrow morning?


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