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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A thru M Wednesday Round-Up: Feel the Power!

The title is in reference to International Women's Day which has inspired a number of posts.

Those in my half of the alphabet include:
Inner Dorothy
Susan Rose

Ciona at A Thing with Feathers gives an endorsement for the music of the recently deceased Toure and posts briefly and brilliantly on the stigma of HIV/AIDS.

The Bible Bloggers are at Ezekiel.

Canticles at Bring All the Walls Down has stories from the realm of Grade School Music Education.

The Cross Meme continues its reign at:
Cathy Knits
Good in Parts

Chaplain Mom needs to 'just be', which can only be expected since the previous post is entitled Projectile Vomiting.

Tripp and Capt. Cranky Pants at conjectural navel gazing; jesus in lint form hit us with everything from the Notorious B.I.G. to vintage U2 to Paul Tillich. I kid you not.

Do you see fire?

Eternal Echoes encourages us to read and provokes the question: How DO you spell 'resurrection'?

HeyJules at Faith or Fiction has been humbly grinded and is now counting on the buffed part. She also invited us to dip in the Lenten Prayer pool.

Cats and I suffered similar afflictions in our households last night. Sounds like she handled it a lot better than I did. Net has it too but fortunately she also has an AMAZING Pastor-Parish Relations Chair. Those of us who are burnt around the edges and feel uncared for need to go check this out just to know it exists somewhere!

Gord posts about when more is never enough.

Leslee at Fresh-Cut Flowers lets it all hang out and then is cleansed by the rain.

After a week off Girl has posted but it looks like it will have to hold us for awhile.


Hazelnut has found the source of all her powers.

Hipchickmamma is balancing the divinity and humanity of Jesus. (Hopefully for my sake figuring out the Trinity is next!) And that ain't all she has been dreaming about.

Hit the Back Button to Move Forward does not exactly call it a meme, but he might be starting something with his invitation to share your ministry story that ends with: "it seemed like a good idea at the time."

Hooray for loud, brash and dramatic!

James at Love During Wartime continues his quest for a certain amount of posts by a certain date by putting up one of my all time favorite Anne Lamott quotes and sharing with us An Eyelash in Time.

Lutheran Chick has let Ash Wednesday soak in for about a week now.

Micah Girl encourages us to ask.

Miranda at My Farcical Existence walked her friend through a breast cancer scare.

Thanks all, I hope this finds you in a good place today. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot spill/psool/spell and toipe/tyip/type at the some tioame
    so obviously it is rosssurection!!!


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