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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Saturday From K to Z

Its a gloomy, rainy Saturday here in southeast Texas, but reading the many responses to Songbird's birthday party meme is a surefire way to enjoy the morning. Interesting posts abound around the K-Z portion of the webring, but today's Don't Miss It award goes to Peripatetic Polar Bear for her latest post-- The Polar Bear in Traffic Court.

Church-Related Chat: Kinesis is in prayer for the election of a bishop in California. Lutheran Chik invites contributions to a Blog Carnival on the subject " Evangelism: Why are Lutherans So Bad At It?" Is it weird to spend Cinco de Mayo in a hotel conference center discussion how to be a more relevant church? Juniper68 thinks so. Some people think Pink Shoes and Rebel don't LOOK like clergy. Revabi is on her soapbox about the group Together For the Gospel (it's a Baptist thing). Joel asks if the good shepherd is Jesus or the market? Preaching, bridal showering, and playing softball are keeping Beth busy. Mibi has a really empty nest. Willow discovers Hildegard of Bingen. And Will Smama displays a miraculous bruise.

Book Notes: Looking for something to read? Jeff just finished Anne Lamott's Traveling Mercies, a favorite of many RevGals. Joe is reading Jared Diamond's Collapse (which I'm in the middle of, too) and Anne Rice's Christ the Lord.

Department of Not Easily Classified: James posts a two-fer. Here's a story from Iraq you probably haven't heard, courtesy of NotShyChiRev. Reverendmother includes postcard notes along with her Friday Five. St. Cassarole updates us on Jazz Fest and Life in the Katrina zone. Bet you didn't know Rachel went to the Squid Run! Or even know what the Squid Run is!

On a Personal Note: Lorna is all about change. Amy is wallowing in angst. Mary Beth shares a Grasshopper Pie and hopes for a blogger meet-up in Montreal. Congratulations to Sarah who graduated with her Masters in Library studies and is now returning to the blogosphere. Stacey had to leave a heavy metal band concert because the lead act came on past her bedtime. And I found the perfect Mother of the Bride dress and continue my campaign for Mom of Congress.

New Blogthings: Just in time for Cinco de Mayo--What's Your Mexican Name? (Seen at Natty's). From Twerpette-- Which OS are you?

I hope I didn't miss you, but if I did please leave a note in the comments. Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I'll still contemplating six foot two. Whoa.

  2. That's right, I'm the original Long Tall Texan!! El Jefe is 6'6", Portia is my height and little Babs is only 5"11".


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