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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Saturday: In the beginning of the alphabet is A...

Happy Saturday! Please let us know in the comments if I lied, missed you, missed your point, or anything else. And anyone with a good joke is hereby invited to share it.

Jennifer at Ordinary Time is considering a name change (personally, not for the blog!) Weigh in and give your 2-cents worth if you wish.

The Travellers Together (thru the Bible in 90 days) are progressing, though Leviticus certainly raises some challenges! And I love reading what the Luke Group are up to, too.

Jan's been to her child's middle school production of The Wizard of Oz. I, too, love school productions! I always want to run door to door and BEG people to come see what these amazing kids have done!

Brick Wall has a wonderful meditation on place and security...written in the wee hours on call in the hospital. Traveling mercies to her on her camping adventure!

Poems old and new:
A wonderful (new to me) Friday Poem from Peter. Thank you! Brother Terry tells of two discarded textbooks and how they opened his world as a child - what a wonderful story, and what a marvelous poem he shares from that. I needed to read that again.

Katherine missed Administrative Professionals Day but she is making up for it now! And Bad Alice reports on a pretty great Admin Profs day. It's the little things that count....!

Here's Kirstin's question: "Do you ever have a day that just thoroughly sucks?" From what follows, I gather that she is in school, and at the end of a semester...just a guess. I'm sure it doesn't help any, but, this too shall pass. Hang in there!

Have you seen Bethquick's latest book reviews? Mindy has words of wisdom, 10 simple pleasures, and another one of those jim-dandy cows! (ps: you oughta see the cow I'm making for you, Min...!)

Blanket in the Grove's preparing for the move. Traveling mercies to you, too!

Chaplain Mom, Kirstin, Cheesehead, Construction Time, Gord, Net, Emily, HipChickMamma, Sophia, and ... did I miss anyone?... are playing the Birthday Friday Five. CM, Songbird calls that recipe "Chocolate Cake for the Apocalypse," and heavens, it's tasty!

Cheesehead's got such a fascinating congregation. She could never have made THIS one up.

Belated happy birthday (Friday) to Chelley! and Michael Palin, too!

Clever Title's had a great day.

Wow, Tripp's in the middle of a call visit (is that what you call it?) to That Church, and at the end of said visit (Sunday) they'll make their decision. You are in our prayers!

Sarah's participating in a particularly intense Alpha small group. Praying for you all.

Dylan's got a dandy new gizmo and today she moblogs with it. You'll have to go read for yourself...!

Sally's group is going forward in ministry and discernment. Cats is working like crazy to get the parsonage ready to move into. Can't wait to see those pictures.

Update on Gord's family: his wife is doing well and they are waiting on next steps for the new baby. So much of our life is waiting! You continue to be in our prayers.

Leslee has a new favorite song. Gallycat says things are looking up! Yay! Girl sees everything going down the toilet fast, but she has a heckuva great attitude about it!

Kathryn's church is having an open house tomorrow with the theme Recognising Jesus. Keep them in your prayers, please!

Net has been through an amazing amount this week, and she is doing all right! Let's keep her in our prayers, too.

Emily's back from the Phyllis Tickle conference and has much to say about it...but first she needs to call the Junior Warden (that's the person who fixes what's hope).

HeavyRevvy's mom needs your prayers. And she is thinking about what job she'd do if she didn't do this...

HipChickMamma had a bit of a rocky day, but things worked out okay.

Sue's been to see The Recovery Monologues. Fascinating stuff.

Camel Dance is walking in the park. (J)oe considers the philosophy of parenting. Kinesis is praying for that bishop election in California!

God bless us, every one.


  1. It is called a candidating weekend. I am the sole survivor of a long process. Oy veh.

    I am off to preach my sermon now. Ya'll keep me in your prayers if'n you think about it.

    And I'll post the results.

  2. Update on the above:


    Wahoo! Yeehaw! Hallelujah!

    Blessings, blessings on your ministry.

    Mary Beth Et Al


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