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Friday, November 24, 2006

Black Friday Five

Reverendmother here...

My husband accompanied my brother this morning to stand on line for a Nintendo Wii. They headed out at oh-dark-thirty this morning but were, sadly, thwarted. There were 30 people in line for 6 units. They are trying to be philosophical about it--"That's the most I was willing to do, so I'm OK with it... imagine the people who waited for hours!" my brother said.

So this is a "Black Friday" Five (aka Buy Nothing Day) in honor of the busiest shopping day of the year:

1. Would you ever/have you ever stood in line for something--tickets, good deals on electronics, Tickle Me Elmo?

2. Do you enjoy shopping as a recreational activity?

3. Your favorite place to browse without necessarily buying anything.

4. Gift cards: handy gifts for the loved one who has everything, or cold impersonal symbol of all that is wrong in our culture?

5. Discuss the spiritual and theological issues inherent in people coming to blows over a Playstation 3.

Leave a comment here to let us know you've played.

And if you can make a link, and if Blogger cooperates, so much the better. Here's the formula:

<a href="the URL of your blog post goes here">what you want the link to say goes here</a>

In other words, have your blog post open in another window, then cut-and-paste the link to your post right into the formula above. At the very least, if your name and your blog title don't match up, do tell us that much.


  1. Awesome! I hate shopping, but since I am trying to lighten up on the negativity and cynicism (an early resolution) I will have to get creative before I post.
    Thanks rm!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. It's humbling to admit my link did not work. I am trying again.
    Here is my non-shopping response.

  4. I may have a partial answer to our linking miseries. Don't try to end the sentence containing the link with an exclamation mark, if the linked phrase is the end of the sentence.
    As you were.

  5. I played... and here it is
    here it is

  6. I played. But, Willsmama, I added and extra dose of cynicism for you! It was a tricky thanksgiving, so I'm full of smarminess today!

  7. No "door buster" deals for us. I was still asleep at 5 a.m., 6 a.m. and even 7 a.m. But I played.

  8. Wow this is deep as well as dark- too tired- but we did have no shopping day too busy will post tomorrow!

  9. I loved these questions ... so I played this week too! And I'm not shopping either.

  10. Sleep more, spend less! My not shopping inclined post is here

  11. it's now saturday but i still played. i wasn't shopping but i was still awake at 5am!

  12. Oh, I'm SO in on this one!

    And it's still Friday in California, for the record. ;)

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. I'm late...busy yesterday, plus temporarily KO'd by a "bug"...but I"ll play.

  15. Last one into the pool here: I didn't shop Friday because:
    a. I was sleeping
    b. I went running
    c. I prepped a funeral bulletin for today's service
    d. I watched my beloved Huskers kick some Buffalo tail
    e. I had family visiting.

    But I did make time this afternoon to play here

    A blessed Saturday to you all!

  16. Putting the "!" out side the "[/a]" works though SOngbird. (Or at least it did for me)

  17. Haha! I'm the latest of all! Nearly a week late!

    I did ithere.


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