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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Trivia Challenge - October's Winner!

It's been quite the month over at RGBP Trivia Challenge - some categories are simply..... humbling. Other categories are so easy that the test of the challenge is over time and not content. However Satchel Pooch is October's winner and a big hip hip hooray goes to her.

Now, if you have never played, you are in for some fun - 10 questions - and the topic changes according to... well.. sometimes it is the Friday 5 that is the inspiration and sometimes it is the season. We learned that the World Series brought in the topic of baseball, but not many of us knew much about that topic.

Interestingly, there is an "awards" section now in Trivia Challenge which are called "Trivia Bucks." For each answer one answers correctly, you get a buck - so now, as I type this, I have enough for a "cheesy award". These are fictitious - but you can "buy" them if you like.

OK - this entire month, we have been in the top 25 quizzes - and sometimes in the top 10. Would it not be oh so cool if we were #1 in the number of participants.

Satchel Pooch gets to choose a favorite topic/category for being number 1 this month. Go raid her comments on her blog and put her site meter to the test. She hangs her hat at a communal type blog - Real Live Pirate - me thinks that though this blog is not an official RGBP blog, I bet that it or some of the members of that blog COULD be a part of the ring. And just perhaps this might be the catalyst for Satchel Pooch to get her a blog started. How 'bout it Satchel?

OH yeah... leave a comment on a topic you would like to see on the trivia challenge.


  1. How about Sixties (and Seventies) music? I would be killer at that topic! (if I do say so myself) And I bet I'm not the only one!

  2. that sounds like a good one! Once we get Satchel's Pooch's request in, we may give that a spin!

  3. I admire these trivia winners! (And skulk away when I inevitably do poorly...)


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