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Friday, January 26, 2007

Friday Five: Renewal

In my office the other day, two church members asked about the boat on my table. I told them it was a gift from a seminary classmate, a reminder of the work and teaching of our professor, Kirk Jones, author of Rest in the Storm: Self-Care Strategies for Clergy and other Caregivers. He always reminded us that Jesus went to the back of the boat and took a nap.

Not surprisingly, I could not find an image of Jesus resting. Preaching from the boat, yes. Calming the storm, yes. Walking on water? Oh, my, yes! But no one seems to want to picture Jesus taking his rest.

In this week that looks unlikely to hold a complete day off, I am pondering renewal. List four ways you like to relax or give yourself a break. Then name a fifth, something you've never been able to do, a self-care dream.

Leave a comment below if you play on your blog. You'll probably get more visitors if you post a direct link to your blog entry in your comment using the following formulation:
<a href="the url of your blog post goes here">what you want the link to say goes here</a>
For a complete how-to, click here.


  1. So for some reason I ended up doing a Friday Five from September...I have no idea how that happened!

    But I've also given some thoughts on renewal.

    Check it out!

  2. It is interesting that we don't 'see' Jesus resting - and it's rare to see him taking time in prayer either - but He did both, and we need to too.

    Off for the weekend so I won't play - but consider that - in a way - an answser in itself. It's time spent away - reciving from God and allowing Him to renew those batteries of faith!

    Have a blessed weekend everyone!

  3. what's a day off

    Veddy cold here this morning--thank God for coffee and an office at home!

  4. Here's mine. It's very cold here, too!

  5. Great questions! I will be answering them here this morning.

  6. or, maybe you can find my Friday Five here

  7. is the third time the charm?


  8. okay, we posted that the same second. And, you did it!

  9. In between things on my DO list, I played HERE!


  10. I played but was unable to create a direct link. Hope you find me anyway!

  11. I did it!
    I didn't include blogging, but that is a rest and a renewal for me too. :)

  12. I played here... will be back to check on the others later- I'm of for a renewing walk on the beach with my daughters!

  13. SB, Thank you! Not sure if I did something wrong if blogger was being finicky...I'll play with linking later when I have more time and see what happens.

  14. Gals and Pals,
    We are making an unplanned move to New Blogger today, so don't be surprised by any drastic changes you may see. All shall be well, but maybe not until later in the day.

  15. Your theme was very well-timed for me; see "Friday Five: Renewal / "Be Still".

    More self-promotion: further down the same page, are other entries I'd appreciate comments on; especially the poem in progress.

  16. in a sad state of things, I do not have time to do this today. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow night...
    today: sermon and adult ed lesson plan MUST get done! It's my day off, for goodness' sake!

  17. I hate to say this, but I'm on paternity leave now, so EVERYTHING is renewal at the moment. But it's not as if I'm getting a lot of sleep, which seems to be important to some of you!

    Check out my Friday Five and pics/videos of Ainsley Joy here.

  18. My first Friday Five is


    I hope this link works!

  19. I just realized I haven't been doing the things on my list.Must change that.

  20. My Friday Five is here.

    I also have an article on Christians in Iraq that I wanted to nominate for the Festival and then forgot: Our Iraqi Brothers and Sisters.

  21. Today's Friday Five contains a list of things I have not been doing. I'll have to change that...

    I posted here.


  22. My Five for today could have been at least 5 times longer! Great topic!

  23. Why are so many 'anonymous'? Do we have blogger's forced blog move to thank for this?

  24. I believe we do. You'll all have to log in via New Blogger. And if you didn't include a link in your comment, you'll have to let us know again.

  25. Timely and wonderful F5 - thank you. Mine is here. I love the boat image. What a great gift. Blessings all.

  26. Time to Relax!

    Have a great day everyone. I am heading off to camp this evening and will be back tomorrow afternoon.

  27. i played. and maybe now i'll go sit on my porch swing, heh.

  28. I did a "class sermon" last summer on Jesus getting on the boat and taking us with was right at the end of summer school and I was exhausted.

    I could have used my "dream renewal then...still could.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. It took me all day, but I took a break from blogger labeling to play.

  31. Okay if at first you don't succeed and all that...I played here.

  32. A subject I have been struggling with for awhile and with the help of my therapist have finally gotten a handle on! My two cents worth can be found here.

    Stay warm, y'all!

  33. Count me IN!

    Do I gather this blog is now on "New Blogger" (the use of labels)

  34. Yes, Gord, we moved over this morning (early afternoon) and we have been busy catagorizing postings -- and we are working on getting the "Labels" subcatagory in the sidebar.

  35. FOlks having trouble with new blogger and comments, try clicking on "OTher" instead of posting under you blogger identity. THen you can enter your name and even link directly to your blog. I find it easier when I am logged out.

  36. Beautiful day here. Thanks for the reminder for self-care. Maybe I'll try one of these this weekend.

  37. I played.

    Incidentally, many years ago a good friend gave me a sketch he had made of Jesus asleep in the boat.If I can find it, I'll scan it in and post it.

  38. Well, OK, that didn't work.
    I'm still Zorra, and I still played.

  39. I played and it's WAY before midnight. See my five here

  40. Great new look, RGBP! I haven't played but wanted to say -- love the new template!

  41. Balance is so important, though hard to achieve.

    I'm not sure I got it but, I played here

  42. Can we start 11th hour preacher party early tonight? I just found out at 9 p.m. that I must have my sermon done by 10 a.m. Saturday due to lots of other stuff that has to happen the rest of the day.

    So far, this is what I have

    Yeah--that's a big blank space.
    Forget healthy; bring on the Pepsi!

  43. WEll, after a night out to the movies (to see "The Queen") I return to be #55 in comments - so more than likely really bringing up the rear
    Here it is....

  44. Hey, I just came over here to check some other F5s (I am so ready for sleep, even though it's only 7:30, but lately I've had to keep up with all my lives instead of letting one or another go for a short time the way I usually can)--oh, a long way of saying I LOVE the new look! Does that mean when Blogger finally forces my switch to New I'll get a choice of more templates? Of course, as a graphic artist I should design by own banner, so maybe some day. Off to check out a few plays ;)

  45. It doesn't look like there are new templates, just new features built into the familiar ones. We have reverend mommy to thank for our banner design, using a photo from our own cheesehead!

  46. Zorra and free flying spirit, I tried to comment on your blogs, but Blogger is having a fight with itself, so it seems. Thanks for playing!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. 1. Friday bubble bath
    2. 1 hour per week working on altered art
    3. Making something luscious to eat, just for myself
    4. Mindful walking
    5. Sitting quietly with incense and candles burning, just listening for what God has to tell me at that moment
    and the thing not yet done...a whole day at the spa!

    Interesting question. I am a second year seminary student and have just begun to take a weekly Sabbath time (whole day when I can, but even just an hour, if I can't). It makes a huge difference!


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