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Monday, July 16, 2007

Announcements, Announcements, Annou-ounce-ments!

Two important announcements for a Monday evening:

1) Don't forget our next RevGalBookPals discussion is coming right up next Monday! There are at least ten good reasons for reading A Vision of Light.

2) Gmail has decided that certain first names of female senders are more likely to be spam than others, and we believe we have lost some e-mail that may not have been spam. If you have e-mailed recently and received no response, please re-send. Now that we are aware of the problem we will scan our spam folder more carefully!


  1. MONDAY?!?! I have it on my calendar for Wednesday. What gives?

  2. The book discussion? They are always on the fourth Monday. Dates are in the sidebar!

  3. I'm presuming that my name is on the "suspected spam" list; it tends to be more common in reference (Jane Doe, Dick & Jane, etc.) than in actual usage.


  4. oops - forgot to highlight the book. thanks songbird.

    Is the 5th Monday still mission?

  5. I am almost finished with the book and it is excellent!

    If you haven't ordered the book, there's still time! Also you may want to check your local library to see if they have a copy. If not, it would be a good one to request.

  6. will smama, I believe Mission Monday has retired for the time being, so that would be another Meet and Greet.

  7. I am wondering how gmail came to that conclusion. Or maybe they have the same for selected male names (a short form of Richard comes to mind) but of course in this group that is much less likely to be noticed.

  8. Funny! I've found most ISPs don't speak Hebrew or theologese and usually consider my email addie, shekinahjubilee, spam or bulk. If it's someone local, I usually offer to email them first (if I remember), though my "from" reads leah sophia - two separate words - so that should be no prob.

    Due to having so many unread books I need to read, I haven't done the last couple of BookPal discussions, but I like the check your local library suggestion, so I'll do that, though most likely I won't read it thorougly enough to attempt any semblance of an intelligible or intelligent blog.

  9. is the gmail problem also with the wednesday festival address?

  10. Um...I now have purchased "Walking the Bible." I'm just a teensy weensy bit behind...sigh.

  11. I will happily be on a quick getaway next week as a warm up for a real vacation, so I probably won't participate in my first revgalbooks, but I am going to the library to pick it up today, as I have been intrigued by all the comments!

  12. hoping that the revgals amazon uk will soon be up and running.

    Haven't ordered this months but would love to get the Anne Lamont but it's only in hardback right now and that makes it prohibitively expensive this side of the pond. Sigh

    let's see what happens - and in any case I love reading the Rev Gal thoughts on books. Rob Bell's Velvet Elvis was terrific - and worth a re-visit :)

  13. PS It would be good to have a recap of what's what - and when. There have been some changes and others are in the pipeline...

    and also a summary of what was discussed at the big meet up of RevGals inc would be great!

  14. Towanda, I would say that's likely. I don't want to give away anyone's real name in case they don't use it in public for blogging, but one of the first name in this comment box is the same as the one I saw disappearing. So if you're reading this, and you share a first name with someone, and you haven't gotten an e-mail response, please do re-send.

  15. hey songbird just mailed me to say I'd missed the BIG announcement of the meet up for RevGals Inc.

    I saw the wonderful photo but missed the update... thanks to all who are making this possible :)

  16. I just started the book. Think I'll get it read by the discussion (probably not). With Harry Potter coming out on Saturday, this is a reading week.

  17. I've read it! I think I've finally caught up! Yeah! Yipee!


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