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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday Prayer

Loving God, Holy Mystery, we give thanks this day for all the ways in which we encounter you and experience your presence in our midst. In quiet moments of heartfelt intentional prayer, and in drive-by prayers whispered in the midst of life’s chaos – you are there. Thank you God.

We thank you for our faith and all who share in this journey of spiritual discovery. Bless us all, Holy One, for we are indeed works-in-progress, doing the best we can for this day and seeking each day to learn, grow and live in deeper relationship with you.

Help us to be agents of your love and bearers of your peace in this troubled world. Help us to be a light shining your good news into the shadows, bringing hope, justice, peace and comfort where it is needed most.

Bless, O God, those named in this place today and those whose needs are known only to you. Comfort those who mourn, give strength to those who struggle in body, mind or spirit, and may your Spirit hover close wherever despair and heartache linger.
These, and all the prayers of our hearts, we raise to you in the assurance of our faith. With thankfulness and praise, we share now the prayer that Jesus taught his friends to say when they gathered together…

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