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Monday, January 21, 2008

Meet and Greet


Yesterday our scripture reading from the Gospel of John has Jesus saying to the disciples, "Come and See." Well, that's a good phrase for the RevGals today - we have a lot of new folks to welcome. So - Come and See!

First up:Reflectionary. Where real life meets the lectionary, a new blog by Songbird. She has this to say about it: "I'm re-purposing my old 365 blog as a different kind of writing discipline. It's my hope to write about one lectionary passage per day, Monday through Thursday, as part of my sermon preparation. We'll see how it goes. I expect most of the entries to be free associated. If you see research here, you'll know I'm desperate."

Second:preacher1. This blog is also called "Good News in the Wilderness" sermons and reflections on the Episcopal Church.

Next: Brittany. A friend, child, student, Youth Director, Worship Leader, amature blogger, music lover, introvert and compassionate Christ-follower. And I'm pretty passionate about helping the residents of Pearlington, MS recover from Hurricane Katrina.

Fourth up:Tiffany. Her blog says "life, ministry, family, thoughts, rants, loves and happenings..."

Fifth: Althea Agape. Her blog says "I haven't the foggiest idea what I'm doing here..."

Sixth: crimsonrambler. She describes herself "Mother of three grown kids, two of them married (to great people--I'm so blessed); 'late vocation' after first life as a university instructor in English..."

And - (drum roll please) Number 7: Swandive. "The name comes from my dream of opening my own dive bar - The Swandive. Until I do - I'm serving the Lord, instead of beer."

Let's give 'em all a great big welcome! Now, go and see what they have to say!


  1. Let me be the first to extend a warm welcome (on this very chilly day in the Midwest) to all our new Revgal members! Looking forward to reading your blogs and knowing you all in our community.

  2. Everything old is new again, right? Swandive and I are not exactly original, even if we are rearranging our various premises.
    To all the new members, welcome! And to all who are reading this, go/come and visit!

  3. Well said Songbird! And indeed! A very warm welcome to the new members. See you at my place/yours.

    **Also - Blogger is only letting me log in with my blogger account aka alter ego GodJunkie. Its still me - Swandive!

  4. Welcome all, here I come for a visit!!

  5. LOL - all right then, always room for the "old" to be made "new" again...and celebrated with an introduction!

  6. Welcome all you newcomers! Glad to have you on board!

  7. From one newcomer to another... Welcome! Looking forward to visiting your blogs.

  8. yes, welcome to all! great intros Mompriest, and I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!

  9. what a great picture!

    and welcome all - including those who've re-arranged their premises!

  10. I don't want to spoil the party too much but how can you believe everything from the Bible just like that?


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