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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence - Sunday Afternoon Music Video

This was one of our Communion hymns during church today. What music did you hear and sing at worship today?


  1. I love this hymn- it is an all time favourite of mine.

  2. We heard and sang:

    I Will Lift My Eyes - Bebo Norman
    Son Of God - Lincoln Brewster
    Blessed be Your name - Matt and Beth Redman
    The Church's One Foundation
    Prayer response: Built on the Rock
    Anthem: Surely the Lord is in This Place
    Offertory: The Way We Mend - Bebo Norman
    My Hope is Built on Nothing Less

    (Annual Meeting)

  3. Ummm, well compared to this..... I was in my 3rd Sunday of a 4 Sunday guest preacing gig. There are several music leaders who rotate. I had never met this week's music leader. I sent scripture, sermon title and theme back in December. This week was Psalm 23, Being Sheep. Soooo.. our opening hymn was "I just wanna be a sheep, baa, baa, baa, baa."

    It's a very small and rather informal church, so I didn't fight it. I was simply thankful he tried to go with the theme and joined in the hilarity. My mother and niece giggled all the way through the song because my sister (daughter and mother of my mother and niece) sang this song often and loudly for weeks after her Walk to Emmaus. All in all, it didn't turn out too badly.

  4. It was BAND Sunday for us, a lot of Steve Bell, 2 hymns from Common Praise, though, including "Let Folly Praise that Fancy Loves" which I think went WOOP right past or over most of those present...


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