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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Does this pulpit make my butt...... read on!

As many of you know, Revgalblogpals is volunteer driven. Some of the volunteers work occasionally, while others work almost daily. Some folks are very visible, while others work quietly behind the scenes. Because it is volunteer and our responsibilities ebb and flow, the workers sometimes need a break, or we need workers for new projects.

One of the projects needs a manager right now. Cafepress is our store which offers RGBP products. We need someone who is willing to manage and work on developing products of interest to those in RGBP and bloggers. Reverendmother has been our fearless worker in this area and she has "retired" an we are ever so thankful for her work in getting this up and running. Make sure you leave a big THANK YOU in the comments section for her work!
If you are interested in applying for the "job", contact Songbird for more information.

Also we are looking for folks who might like to lead in book discussions. Every month we have a book we discuss on a Monday. This month's discussion will focus on this book:

April's book will be led by both Quotidian Grace and Presbyterian Gal. So join them on April 28 for the discussion.

May's book brings us Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion by Sara Miles. Rumor has it (and from very good sources I might add) that the author is going to be paying us a visit. Now how cool is that? We can get a virtual autograph!

One of the suggestions made is for us to have some books with a "lighter" nature and so June's book will be The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate Dicamillo. Allow the child in you to enjoy this one for one of our summer reads.

We are looking for folks to lead in a discussion for upcoming books - might you be interested? Perhaps you would like to co-lead a book. It's easy! All that is required is for you to read the book, present a snapshot of the book and ask some thought provoking questions for those who have read the book can discuss. Interested? Contact us at .

Don't forget to read Wednesday Festival below!


  1. I would be happy to lead a book discussion in the autumn (fall) ... right now I'm up to my ears ... so couldn't even think what book I'd like to suggest.

    but I'd be happy to do this. maybe the September book?

    ...oh it said email - well I'm commenting instead.

    and thanks RM for a wonderful job well done :)

  2. I would be interested in managing the store, but I'm really swamped at church, keeping all the balls in the air.

    However, I'd lead the June book discussion.

  3. I'm glad to hear that that book is the one to be discussed. I loaned it to my son though, so I hope I'll get it back by April 28.


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