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Sunday, April 20, 2008

In God's House: Prayers for Sunday, Easter 6

Wonderful and gracious God, We give you thanks for the gift of life, especially the gift of life we know in your son, Jesus. As we face the many challenges and changes of our lives we are grateful that Jesus has gone before us. No matter where life takes us, Jesus is the Celtic hymn - Christ before us, Christ behind us, Christ above us, Christ below - no matter where life takes us, Jesus has been there and is still there - to be with us. We give you thanks that not only is Jesus there, waiting for us, but that Jesus is there in many ways - a room for each of us. We come to you broken. We come to you healed. We come to you lost. We come to you found. We come to you confused. We come to you certain. We come to you just as we are. And, no matter how we come to you there is room for us. For this we give thanks. Help us to love others as you love us. Amen.


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