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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday Afternoon music video- Music for Paradise

I have not been to church today; that is not a confession it is a statement of fact! Yesterday I drove a round trip of 500 miles to watch my son Jon in a play! The trip took me through some beautiful countryside and across the highest motorway in England.

I arrived home at 5:00am this morning having taken a detour due to road maintenance and closures. As I drove home I watched the sunrise, it was stunning! This afternoon I have been to the beach and walked along accompanied by a curious seal who was watching me from the water.

And so I offer you music from paradise:

Sung by the Cistercian Monks from Stift Heligenkreuz.

How about you, what did you sing today, has the music lifted your spirit or touched your heart? Let us know in the comments!


  1. I must admit that I cannot remember a single hymn that we sang today. I am still being held up by the "Lifta me up" that was sung at synod assembly last Mon eveing at a superb liturgy.

  2. At one of the congregations I serve, we routinely have no musician, so we make use of a digital hymnal. Today it failed to work at the last minute, so I got to lead them in the singing. The sending hymn was "Rise Up O Saints of God", and it was nice to hear them actually sing it out and give it the oomph it deserves. It was fun!

  3. A women and girls choir comprised of members of our congregation sang a beautiful rendition of "Santo, Santo, Santo" and we had a guest preacher who is from Jerusalem.


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